Damn beast… It had picked one hell of a time to speak. It had selected a terrible moment to express its desire. I couldn’t blame him. This was our home. He loved to roam through the bush. Now, he had another reason to want to get out of there. He had been cornered, and, to get out of that corner, he had to rip through my skin and run.
I approached that gaping hole, the buzz of music and voices from the bar fading as I left it behind. And it was then that the wolf stirred harder, pushing to be let free. Out amongst the trees, a pair of red eyes disrupted the darkness. They blinked once. Twice. Staying on me as that gaze darkened. I sniffed the air, in an attempt to discover who it belonged to. Nothing. There were no scents around, other than the typical scent of trees and moistdirt. I trotted off, wondering who or what else could be watching me in the shadows. There were a few creatures in the wild that could. Felines, in particular, had excellent eyesight. Only this was the Catskills, and mountain lions were too shy to dwell so close to a human town. They preferred hunting in the woods well beyond Shandaken.
As I strode through the undergrowth, I threw some cautious glances around. Bad mistake. As I tried to locate that red gaze, I saw nothing but more and more tree trunks.
A soft, feminine voice spread across the forest, puzzling me further. Its echo lingering, a dark-red flash shot out in front of me, engulfing trees and bushes alike. I watched it move past my spot, before concentrating on a cedar tree, twenty yards from me. As if that wasn’t enough, it swirled around its trunk and then began to spin its way up that tree.
“Great,” I whispered while the redness disappeared into the thick foliage.
“Another surprise.” Unfortunately, I recognized the voice, especially since it had been only minutes since the last time I’d heard it. “Impressive. Although I must say your healing is more impressive.Muchmore.”
“Monica,” I uttered her name in a weak tone, unwilling to face her. “What are you doing out here? I thought I’d made myself clear.”
“You did,” she agreed, her voice lacking its earlier cheer. “I just don’t like being ignored. Understand this, Mr. Crawford. I’m a scientist by nature. And as a doctor, it’s myjobto be inquisitive.”
“I get that, but this is theonething you should leave alone, Monica,” I said, struggling to not growl. “Get back inside.”
Talking was a waste of time… The sweetness of her scent was more and more intense. She moved around until she was in front of me. She looked up and strictness dominated her expression.
“Tell me, Raul…” She requested. “What creatures live in these woods? Bears?Oversizedwolves? Wolves around four-and-a-half-feet tall at the shoulder?”
“You want me to answer that?” I wondered; my gaze glued to hers.
Let it go.I silently implored.
“Yes!” She exclaimed, her scent tormenting my senses. “Three days ago, I bore witness to something that kept me up all night. I haven’t slept properly ever since.”
“I’m not the one you should talk to, Monica,” I maintained my tone as the beast twitched within. “Go find a Shandaken local. Maybe they can help you.”
“A what?!” She scowled. “I don’t know anybody from Shandaken. You’re the only local I’ve met so far, and I don’t start work at the medical center until Monday.”
“Why the hell can’t you let it go?” I growled, frustration beginning to set in. “Okay, I heal fast. So what? What’s so special about that?”
“It’snotjust that!” She cried out, slapping one hand against her head in a spasm of frustration. “Youhadto have seen that wolf! He wasenormous! Can you even imagine what kind of beast I’m talking about here?”
“Yeah,” I nodded, a smile of bitterness forming on my face.
“You can…?” She spoke as if she couldn’t believe me. “How? Have you seen one?”
Halfway through her questions, her scent changed. The sweet caramel was joined by something else, which was just as sweet, as her pheromones. Too distracted by her persistence, I had failed to notice them. Now, however, they were all too loud and clear. And if I had any chance of keeping my secret, there was only one option.
Keeping my mouth shut, I put my hands on her waist. In a swift move, I spun her around. Four footfalls led her to the nearest tree. Pinning her up against the trunk, I raised her to my level. There was no protest. No sign of her wishing me to stop. Her mouth remained partially open, her alluring lips beckoning to be touched. I didn’t fail them. I claimed her mouth in a passionate kiss, her arms snaking around my upper back. Holding on to my shoulder blades, she pressed her palms into me as I released her hips. Reaching up, I cupped her face in both of my hands, my fingertips brushing her hairline.
“Stop…” She whispered, tilting her head back.
“You don’t mean that,” I muttered under my breath, my lips nudging her chin.
“You’re right. I don’t,” she admitted, dragging her nails up my back. “Kiss me again.”
“No.” I gasped, taking a swift step back. “I can’t. We shouldn’t.”
My head was spinning. The scents of her, her desire, her pheromones, swirled with my desire and burning need for more. More of her. Reason was gone.