“Robert Crawford, Edward’ssondidn’t know this place existed? Why?” I wondered, surprise making my voice higher pitched than I intended.

“Because Edward was hiding things he wasn’t so proud of in here,” she explained, her tone deepening. “For instance, his relationship with a fledgling witch.”

“Who was she?” Sam posed the question with his hands on his waist.

It’s the one I always asked about. The rumors were true.

“You’re looking at her, second son,” Helena spoke in a firm voice, shifting her glance to him. “She’s still very much alive, as you might have noticed.”

“It can’t be,” I muttered, my face twisting into an expression of amazement. “You don’t look more than thirty, thirty-five years old, tops.”

“All is not as it seems, Raul.” She smiled. “Raymond, there were a few boxes in that warehouse, am I right?”

“Yeah, why?”

“Please go get the smallest of those boxes,” she urged, not taking her eyes off of me. “You’ll all see what I’m talking about.”

“I don’t get it,” Sam complained. “The rule against shapeshifters mating with humans is as old as the mountain. Grandpa didn’t get his throat ripped out. We all know he died of a broken heart. Why should we believe you?”

“You may be aware of that rule’s age, but you don’t know when exactly it was enforced, do you, Samuel?” She asked, turning her attention to him. “Or who suggested it in the first place?”

“No,” Sam said, shrugging.

“Guys, you’re not going to believe this,” Ray announced, rejoining us in the library. “There are letters to Helena in this box.”

Keeping my mouth shut, I waited for my brother to leave the box in question on the desk. I fished into it and dust particles stuck to my fingers, puffing up to tickle my nose. Taking a letter out, it was clear that he wasn’t making this up. The once-white envelope had aged to a deep shade of yellow. The name on thetop left corner didn’t leave room for doubt because it was my grandfather’s script and his name.

“Edward Crawford”

“Before you read this, I should warn you,” Helena said, assuming a firm voice. “These are not what you’d call ‘love letters.’”

“Oh, she’s right about that,” Ray chuckled, holding a yellow piece of paper in front of his face. “Grandpa was onedirtybastard.”

“You’re all wondering why I look so young, so, let me answer that,” she suggested, moving around me. “It’s witchcraft. I use certain spells to prevent my skin from aging. Edward and I dated for almost two years. I fell in deep love with him, but he never did with me.”

“What makes you so sure?” Sam spoke out, suspicion heavy in his tone.

“Well, if he were in love with me, he wouldn’t have abandoned me the way he did,” Helena replied, smiling with bitterness. “You see, his folks poisoned him against me. Like I said, I was a young witch at the time. They didn’t like the fact that I could snap his neck on a whim. Of course, I wouldn’t have done that, but did he believe me? No. And to answer that question about that rule enforcement, it was Edward who suggested it to his Alpha, Riker. He was his lieutenant and those two were awfully close.”

“Unbelievable,” I commented, banging the heel of my palm against my forehead. “We have grandpa to thank for that goddamn rule.”

“How do we know you’re telling the truth?” Ray questioned, narrowing his eyes.

“Why would she lie, kid?” I answered with a question of my own. “What does she have to gain by feeding us a bullshit story? Helena…” I spoke her name, stepping into her path. “You said something about us being in great peril, back in the woods. What did you mean by that?”

“I’ll get to that.” She gave a quick nod. “First, I’d like to know if you remember our first encounter. Do you?”

“Yeah,” I admitted. “You told me to believe. I still haven’t figured out what it is you want me to believe in.”

“In love, firstborn,” Helena attempted a mellower tone. “It is love that drives your kind. It dictates how you live and die. You know, youroneweakness. Some of you shifters call it your ‘doom,’ but it hasn’t stopped any of you from searching for your special one.”

She knows. How does she know about Monica? Is she right? Is Monica my doom?

“I’m not sure I’m following you,” I lied, sensing my brothers’ gazes on me.

“I mean your healer, youfool,” she responded in an emphatic tone, her stare intensifying. “I’ve been monitoring your life since you were an infant. I’ve seen you interact with other women. Notoncedid I see the spark in your eyes that you have every time you’re around the healer. And now you are keeping your distance from her. Why? Because you’ll break a rule like you’ve done hundreds of times already? Or is it because you’re afraid you won’t be able to protect her against your kind?”

“Both,” I told her sharply. “They’ll kill her, Helena. You know that.”