Our female continued to sob but looked up after a while. “My bear doesn’t sense any lie.”

“That’s because there is none. You are our fated mate. I know we didn’t plan this but there it is. We understand if you want to continue the deal we had, but we are already in love with you.”

“That’s good,” she said, laughing. “That’s really good because I’ve known you two were my mates since I got here. Maybe before that even.”

We both gasped. “Your bear told you. Your sweet bear told you.”

“Yes, she did. I’ve been trying to keep it all inside because of our deal and you two wanted a breeder, but the way you held me last night…I’m in love with the both of you as well. I don’t care about the deal. I want to be yours. I want to be your mate and have all your babies, not because we have some verbal contract but because we love each other.”

I reached under her chin and took her lips with mine. Callon began kissing the back of her neck. Her hips rocked against mine. “You feel that, mate? You feel how much we need you?”

“Callon? Aerin? Take me home. Take your female home, please.”

Chapter Twenty-One


Did elves mark their mates?

I was about to find out if they would mark me.

Truly, I had no idea, but I was anxious to find out if they would allow me to mark them. After our night together, I had felt like I’d let them down because I wasn’t ready for lovemaking, especially since this was the whole reason they’d wanted me to start with.

Some breeder I’d turned out to be, not even willing to put out right away. Did they mistake my virginal reluctance for something else? I really didn’t want them to think I was trying to back out of our deal. But the last little while, and my pleas for them to take me to bed, had hopefully cleared that up.

But nobody was more surprised than me that we’d gone from a business agreement to love…to recognizing one another as mates. To the life I’d always wanted but never truly dared to believe I’d had. My former crush wasn’t the only person disinterested in me I’d spent way too much time on. And those who did show interest? I looked the other way. Did Fate have a hand, or was this girl just too contrary to fall for anyone but the real ones?

These two elves were my fated mates, and I was entirely over the moon. Also, so wet between my legs I could wring out my underwear.

We arrived back at the house, walking quickly and breathing more heavily than the exercise would make us do. I had an elf on either side of me on a path wide enough in places for maybe two people and even though they were tall and lean, they were pressed tightly to my sides. I did not hate it in the slightest. And once we got inside, I was suddenly up in the air, held aloft bytwo sets of hands that were disrobing me before we ever neared the bedroom. My clothes fell around us, not that there were so many of them, but when they laid me gently on the bed, I was completely nude, and all my shifter ease at the state melted away under the burning gaze of two hot elves.

“She’s so beautiful,” murmured Aerin, trailing a single finger between my breasts and down my belly to stop just above my sex. “Don’t you think, Callon?”

“Mmm.” He tipped my chin up and grazed my lips with his. “Gorgeous.”

“Are you two going to stay dressed or…” I felt very daring saying that, but my desire for them helped me push past any shyness. I lay back watching through my lashes as they undressed. Of course I’d seen a lot of bears unclothed, but I’d never wanted anyone like I did these men. And when they lay down on either side of me and pressed their warm skin to mine, I was faint with wanting them. They were my mates. Everything I’d heard about what it felt like to be with mates was true and they hadn’t even touched me much yet.

And then they were, touching and kissing and stroking and making me writhe. It was dim in the room with only a little light from the hallway, but it was enough to appreciate their elfin gorgeousness. Then I was lying on my back and Callon was over me, and I had the thought I should probably tell them it was my first time, but then the moment for confession passed as Aerin’s lips closed on mine and Callon’s were on my girly parts. I couldn’t have talked if I tried. They were both perfect for me, and I rose toward orgasm, clutching the sheets on either side of me. I was clenching deep inside, and then his lips were gone, replaced by something long and hard; the cock I’d already gotten a look at penetrated me.

I gasped, unable to stop it, and he froze, looking down at me. “Aerin, our mate…it’s her first time.”

Aerin released my lips and stroked my cheek. “Are you all right?”

“No because he stopped.” Already the sting was fading, and I craved him. “Please, I need…I want…”

“If you’re sure you’re fine,” Callon said then drove deep inside me and began to move in and out, slowly, then faster, bringing me with him to a quick orgasm. After getting my assurance I was still fine, Aerin took his place and I lost whatever bits of dignity I’d ever had, sobbing with the pleasure they gave me, coming so many times I lost count before sinking my teeth into the side of his throat and marking him. I grabbed for Callon and marked him too. I never wanted any female of any kind looking at them without knowing they were mine. My fated mates.

Aerin spilled inside me then eased down beside me and I felt a sharper pain than when Callon had broken my hymen. Turned out, elves did mark their mates, or at least these elves did, and their bite on either side of my throat burned for a moment before they lapped away the pain. They were mine, and I was theirs. Not a breeder but their mate. I hadn’t settled at all; I’d won the prize of love, and Fate smiled down on us.

Chapter Twenty-Two


Our mate lay in our arms, sleeping sweetly, her long blonde hair spread across the pillow. It was not light out yet because of the short days, but it didn’t matter. I would gladly spend the rest of the winter here and only get up for food and water. Or coffee. We really did need coffee, or at least I did.

And while thinking of coffee, I decided that the best way to avoid having to leave our bed was for me to make breakfast and bring it back with me. Easing free of Misty, I slipped out of the covers and tiptoed into the bathroom to clean up. A quick shower later, I was in the kitchen setting up the coffeepot. Would Misty think we were old-fashioned with our stovetop percolator and lack of microwave? It wasn’t that we couldn’t have one, but neither of us felt they were good for much more than reheating, and we weren’t big on leftovers. Mostly because we tended to eat everything we cooked.

I stirred up the coals and added wood to the fireplace before returning to the kitchen to consider what I could prepare for our mate. Our. Mate. I’d never tire of the phrase as it concerned Misty. She’d been incredible last night, and now I understood why mates were such a big deal. Nothing had prepared me for the intensity of lovemaking or the sweetness of her kisses. We had dated other women, even elves from other villages, and I’d have sworn that the reason it never worked out was because the females were not interested in having two mates or just didn’t like us in general.