“I’ve never heard of anywhere you didn’t need to lock up.” Misty moved into the living room and turned in a circle. “But this place is great.”
“What did you think it would be like?” I asked, puzzled.
I was picturing, I don’t know, some kind of bachelor pad, but this is charming. Did you have a decorator? A sister or mom who helped?”
“I’m crushed.” Callon shook his head. “You think we didn’t know how to decorate a cottage? We grew up surrounded by a certain style, and we liked it, but we wanted it to be a little different.”
“A bit more modern,” I added. “When you’ve gotten a look inside a few other homes, you can tell us if we achieved our goals.”
We took her from room to room, and in each, she said such nice things that I was cheered. We’d offered her a position as breeder, but she was already deep in my heart, and in Callon’s too. Would she ever feel the same?
It was going to be a rocky road if not because I would take her any way I could get her, but my hopes were high. Probably with no reason.
Chapter Fourteen
They were handsome, smart, great decorators, and they kept glowing—that part had me thinking I was crazy for sure. But of course, I was very tired, and maybe my eyes were playing tricks on me. I probably should go right to bed, but my tummy was growling, and whatever they had in the slow cooker smelled nearly as good as they did.
We returned from our tour of the cottage, something that hadn’t taken long at all, and gathered in the kitchen where a round table stood off to the side, along with four chairs. “Can I do anything to help? I’m not a great cook but excellent at following instructions, and I have never to my knowledge poisoned anyone.”
They both chuckled, and Aerin waved me toward the table. “You’ve had a long trip, and you can just sit down and let us wait on you. We’re interested in hearing all about the train travel since we’ve never taken a long trip on one.” He was boiling noodles, and I wondered what else we’d be having.
I sat in the chair where I’d be facing them and looked around the kitchen. We’d been through here once, but it was kind of fast and I’d only gotten an impression that it was the kind of kitchen people had who really liked to cook. A rack hung from the ceiling with shiny pots and pans, and there were so many cupboards. The two of them moved around as if they always cooked together, which I supposed they probably did. They were way out in the country here, and it wasn’t like they could drive through McDonald’s or get pizza delivery.
Aerin took the lid off the slow cooker and the scent of chicken and vegetables tickled my nose. “I hope you likefricassee.” He put noodles in each bowl then ladled up big bowlfuls of the savory concoction.
“It smells great, but I don’t think I’ve ever had it.” This trip was really turning into an adventure. “What’s in it?”
Callon came over with spoons and forks and napkins and tinkling glasses of ice water. “Oh, all kinds of good things. Chicken and mushrooms and white wine. A creamy sauce. A little lemon.”
“That sounds incredible.” I placed a hand over my tummy to stop the growling. “Thank you for making this for me.”
“It’s our pleasure.” Aerin gave a short bow. “Cooking for each other was growing old. We’d started just making the same things every week. Now we’re anxious to know all the things you want to eat so we can prepare them for you.”
“Oh, I’m not picky.”
“Seriously, we need to know it all. Do you have a sweet tooth or prefer all savory things? I can tell you’re not a vegetarian unless you are just pretending to eat the chicken.” Callon smiled and scooped up a big bite.
“I am not pretending, nor am I vegetarian. Mostly I am a freezerian.”
They glanced at one another, confusion twisting their features. “I…you’re a what?” Callon asked.
“Does that mean you only eat things that have been frozen?” Aerin added, “Because…this wasn’t.”
I waited a full thirty seconds before answering, letting them wonder. They were adorable in their bafflement. “It means, I only eat frozen dinners because I am not a great cook and cooking for one is the pits anyway.”
“To think we complained about cooking for two.” Callon sighed. “So, this is one we can do again?”
“Definitely,” I spoke around a mouthful of yummy food.
“And do you like sweets?” Aerin stood and went to the back cupboard. “Because if you don’t, we have to eat this apple pie all by ourselves.” He held it up, and my mouth watered.
Callon headed for the freezer. “Ice cream?”
I scraped the last of the fricassee from my bowl and licked the fork, cheeks heating as I realized what that must look like, especially when the two elves stopped what they were doing, their eyes bright with interest. Well, with my purpose for being here, there was no reason I could come up with for being shy. However…I had neglected to tell them one important fact. They would not only be the fathers of my children but my first and, unless things went horribly wrong, only lovers.
They would probably notice if everything I’d read in romance novels was right. And if not, so much the better. For now, I chose to focus on the dessert they were plating even though I hadn’t said yes or no to ice cream. It would of course be yes.