She peeked into the bags as if seeing the haul for the first time. “Let’s see… two lemonades, three kinds of pork rinds, two bags of potato chips—just in case we don’t like the pork rinds—two packs of pink snowball cakes, a king-size Snickers, a big bag of Skittles, and seven Slim Jims.”

“Seven Slim Jims?” I chuckled. “Star, we’re halfway. We only have three hours left until we get to your family’s. You’ve got enough snacks for a road trip to Canada.”

She squinted up at me, and her lips twitched with mischief. “Maybe we just keep driving right past my mom’s and see how long these snacks last.”

I tilted my head and studied her. “Getting cold feet, huh?”

Her nose wrinkled. “That’s an understatement, Axel. We’re about to walk into my mom’s house and pretend we’ve been dating for a year. Do you have any idea how crazy this is?”

I shrugged, grabbed the bags from her, and tossed them into the open passenger door. “Doesn’t seem so bad to me.”

She rolled her eyes. “Of course it doesn’t. You’re far too confident about this. Have you done this before?”

I shook my head and grinned. “Nope. You’re the only damsel in distress I’ve ever had to rescue. But honestly? I think we’ve got this.”

Star let out a long sigh, and her breath clouded in the cold air. “You say that now, but just wait. My mom’s going tointerrogate you. My sister’s going to try to figure out if we’re in love. And my uncle? He’ll probably corner you and ask if you’ve got plans to propose.”

I laughed. “Sounds like a regular family Christmas from the movies to me. Besides, if anyone can sell this, it’s you and me.”

She gave me a skeptical look. “Axel, you’re going to have to act like my boyfriend. Not my boss.”

“Easy enough.” I stepped closer, my boots crunching on the gravel. Her back hit the truck, and I saw her eyes widen slightly, though she didn’t look scared. I leaned in and rested my hands on either side of the truck beside her, effectively pinning her there.

“I’m not going to act, Star,” I said softly, and my voice was low enough that it blended with the sound of the wind.

“But…” she started, and her lips parted as her breath hitched.

I smiled and let the moment linger. “No ‘but,’ honey. If we’re doing this, we’re doing it all the way. And you’re not going to have to worry about convincing anyone.”

Her eyes searched mine, and I saw the doubt starting to waver. She tilted her head, her hair brushing against her scarf. “You’re sure about this?” she asked, her voice quieter now.

I reached up and brushed a stray strand of hair from Star’s cheek and let my fingers linger for just a moment longer than necessary. Her skin was soft, and I couldn’t help but notice the way her breath hitched.

“I’m sure. We’ve got this,” I said with my voice steady even though my pulse had picked up. Her eyes widened slightly, and I could tell my touch was affecting her. More than she probably wanted to admit.

“But…” she trailed off.

“If we’re going to be convincing, maybe we should get a few things out of the way.”

She tipped her head to the side. “Like?”

I trailed my fingers lightly down her cheek and watched as she let out the breath she’d been holding. Her eyes flickered to mine, and her uncertainty blended with something else entirely.

“Like I touch you, and you don’t hold your breath,” I whispered.

Her cheeks flushed, and she managed a small, nervous laugh. “It’s just that… you’ve never touched me before.”

I leaned in just a little closer, caught her gaze, and held it. “That’s going to change, honey.”

Oh, boy, was it going to change. I wasn’t about to step into her mom’s house and have the first time I kissed her be in front of her family. I stepped even closer and closed the space between us until I could feel the warmth radiating from her body in the chill of the air.

“Maybe we should…” she started, and her voice drifted off as her lips curved slightly.

I nodded and was already thinking the same thing. “I’m going to kiss you, Star,” I said quietly, my voice firm and left no room for her to second-guess.

There wasn’t even a pause. “Okay,” she said, her voice barely audible but steady.

I didn’t waste time overthinking it. I tilted my head, closed the last few inches between us, and let my lips brush against hers. Soft, warm, and tentative. The kiss was everything I hadn’t realized I needed it to be. She froze for the briefest of moments, and I let my hands come up to cradle her face gently, giving her time to relax into it.