Chapter Seven


It was Tuesday morning.

Christmas Eve.

I could already feel the tightness in my chest and the weight of anxiety pressing down on me. Axel was about to knock on my door any minute, and I was trying desperately not to have a panic attack. My breath was shallow, and my palms damp. I couldn’t believe that I was actually going through with this.

At first when Axel had told me he would help, it hadn’t really hit me. It didn’t sink in at all. But yesterday—that was when everything started to spiral. I had been out doing my last-minute Christmas shopping when I realized something I hadn’t even considered. I needed to buy something for Axel. It would look weird if I didn’t have anything for him to open, right?

Then, of course, I had to pick something up for myself that he could say was from him. God, this whole thing was just... messy. There were so many moving parts and so many details I hadn’t thought through. I mean, I had known I’d need to lie to my family about who Axel really was—my mom especially. But there were things I just didn’t know I’d have to think about, like what to buy him and how to make sure it didn’t look too obvious that we weren’t really dating.

I had told my mom his real name because I figured giving him a fake name would make things even harder. I had been able to picture her raising an eyebrow when I mentioned it. “Axel? Isn’t that your boss?” she had asked with a tone that was one of surprise, though not judgment. Of course, she would remember that. She always remembered details.

“Um, yeah. He is,” I had replied.

“You’re dating your boss?” she asked, her voice carrying an incredulous note.

I’d cleared my throat. “Um, yes. Neither of us saw it coming, but... it’s been great.”

There had been a beat of silence on the other end of the phone before she responded. “Well, whatever works, sweetie. I’m just glad you have someone in your life.”

She had taken it surprisingly well. I’m pretty sure I could have told her I was dating the Cookie Monster, and she would have been okay with it.

That didn’t mean the situation wasn’t still awkward, though. I was lying to her, sure, but it wasn’t about anything important, right? Just about the whole “dating” thing. Axel and I had a good arrangement. And in the end, what was the harm in a little white lie?

But that was yesterday. Today... today was a different story.

A knock on the door sounded, and I practically jumped out of my skin. I froze and my heart skipped a beat.

He was here.

Holy crap.

My bag was at the door, along with the bag of presents I had just finished wrapping for everyone. I took one last deep breath and tried to calm myself down, but it didn’t work. This was it. This was happening. There was no backing out now.

I moved slowly and carefully toward the door. My hand shook just a little as I reached for the handle. I opened the door before I could chicken out.

And then I froze again.

I had seen Axel five days a week for the past five years. Hell, I saw him more often than I saw my own family. But standing in front of me now, I didn’t see my boss. I didn’t see the guy I’d worked with for so long. No, the man standing at my door now was someone entirely different. My boss was replaced with a hot biker.

Axel was big. He was broad-shouldered and towered over me as he stood on my doorstep. His dark jeans fit him snugly and emphasized his muscular frame. A white t-shirt clung to his chest, and over that, he wore a black leather jacket that just screamed cool. His brown hair was short, buzzed close to his scalp, and he had a backward baseball cap perched on his head that gave him that effortlessly dangerous look that was... well, it was damn fine.

I swallowed hard, and my mouth went dry. For a moment, I couldn’t speak. I was so used to seeing him in his work clothes, but now... now he looked like a biker. A sexy, dangerous-looking biker. It was like someone had switched out my clean-cut, efficient boss with a man who looked like he might punch someone in the face and then buy them a drink afterward.

My brain short-circuited. Where had my boss gone? Who was this?

“Ready?” Axel’s voice broke through my dazed thoughts with his deep, smooth tone that sent a shiver through me.

Yeah. I had no words. I just blinked a few times and tried to get my brain to function again. It wasn’t working. My whole body was on autopilot at this point.

“Uh... oh, hello,” I finally managed to say. My brain had fully given up on me. I had no idea where I was or what was going on.

Axel chuckled, a soft, knowing laugh that made my stomach do somersaults. “Hey. Is all of this going with us?” He gestured to the bags at my feet.

I looked down at the bags I’d packed last night and nodded. “Bags come with,” I said; my voice sounded a little more stable than I felt, but I was speaking like a caveman. My brain was still stuck on the whole “sexy biker Axel” thing.