I hopped off the counter and immediately brushed at my butt to dislodge any lingering evidence of our little escapade. Sure enough, a few crumbs scattered to the floor, and I felt my cheeks heat.

“Always knew you had a sweet ass, honey,” Axel chuckled.

I rolled my eyes and gestured to the crumbs. “This is why we don’t do these things in the kitchen.”

Axel didn’t respond right away. His eyes were fixed on me, and there was something undeniably mischievous in his expression. “I’m dead serious about you in skirts, Star.”

I groaned, rolled my eyes, and turned from him to grab a fresh cookie from the tin. “I am not going to wear a skirt to work, Axel.”

“Why not?” he asked.

I turned to face him and held the cookie between us. “Because then we’ll get no work done. You’ll be too busy finding excuses to get me on the desk, in the break room, or wherever, and I actually have a job I need to do.”

His grin widened, and before I could react, he plucked the cookie from my hand and popped it into his mouth.

“Hey!” I protested, smacking his arm lightly.

He chewed slowly, savoring it before swallowing. “Pretty sure your boss won’t have a problem with you wearing skirts.”

I smacked his arm again, this time harder, but I couldn’t stop myself from laughing. “You are impossible and insatiable.”

“And you like it,” he said with a wink and leaned down to steal a quick kiss.

I sighed but smiled despite myself. “You’re lucky you’re sexy, Axel.”

“I’m lucky for a lot of things,” he said softly, his tone shifting just enough to make my heart flutter, “but mostly for being able to snag you.”

Chapter Sixteen


“Jim,” Carmen called from the kitchen, “can you get the dustpan and broom? There are cookie crumbs all over the kitchen floor.”

I couldn’t help the smirk that spread across my face.

Star choked on her eggnog. I turned my head quickly and tried not to laugh as I watched her cough and splutter.

“Are you okay?” Rickie asked, concern etched on her face as she leaned forward to pat Star’s back.

Star waved her off and managed to swallow down the drink and catch her breath. “I’m good. Just… um, the cookie crumbs got the best of me.” She shot me a glare that made my grin widen.

I could feel the heat of her embarrassment radiating off her, but I was enjoying every second of it. Her reaction was priceless, and I knew she wasn’t really mad at me—just… flustered. I couldn’t resist teasing her just a little.

“Come on, Mom,” Rain called, eager for her turn. “You’re the one who said we had to play Antler Toss.”

I glanced around the room. All of us, fully rested—or, in my case, fully satisfied from earlier—were ready to play before heading off to bed.

“Start without us,” Carmen called from the kitchen. “It’s literally like someone sprinkled cookie crumbs all over the floor.”

Star cleared her throat and threw a glance my way.

I wasn’t ashamed at all. Just next time I knew we had to clean up a little better if we had some fun in the kitchen.

Ben was already positioned at one end of the living room and held his arms out like he was preparing to defend a goal.Rain stood at the other end and held three hoops in her hands, ready to toss them.

The thing was, Ben was wearing a set of inflatable antlers on his head, and Rain was supposed to be tossing the hoops to try and hook them onto his horns.

Carmen had insisted that she’d planned this game for Woods, but Woods had been fast asleep in his bed. So, naturally, the adults took it upon themselves to have all the fun.