“They’re all from Axel,” she said, glancing over at me with wide eyes.

She opened the first box, and pulled out the fluffy green-and-white blanket I’d picked for her. Her expression softened immediately.

“Oh, wow,” she breathed and pressed the fabric to her cheek. “It’s so soft.”

“I hoped you’d like it,” I said.

She nodded, and her smile could have lit up the room. “It’s amazing.”

“You have two more!” Woods reminded her excitedly and bounced on his knees.

The room laughed, and Star set the blanket aside as she reached for the second box. It was smaller, and she opened it carefully. Inside was the gray marbled bracelet with the wolf-shaped stone I’d chosen for her.

“It’s so pretty,” she said, her eyes shining as she lifted it out.

“Read the paper,” I urged.

She unfolded the small card and scanned the words. Her jaw dropped. “Oh my god,” she gasped. “It’s a wolf tracking bracelet. I can go online and track a wolf that’s linked to this bracelet.”

“He got you a wolf!” Woods exclaimed, clearly in awe. “That is cool!”

Everyone laughed again, and Star leaned into me to press a kiss to my lips.

“It’s very cool,” she whispered.

I’d known she’d love it. Star was passionate about wildlife conservation, and the bracelet’s proceeds went toward aiding wolves in the wild.

“Open the next one!” Woods urged, his excitement contagious.

Star slipped the bracelet onto her wrist and reached for the last box. She opened it and pulled out a candle. She glanced at the label and immediately shoved it back into the box, her cheeks turning crimson.

“What is it?” Rain asked, her curiosity piqued.

Star shook her head quickly. “Just a candle,” she squeaked and avoided everyone’s eyes.

I chuckled, unable to help myself.

Itwasa candle, but the label was what made it special:Light When You Want Me Naked.

“Let me see what scent it is,” Carmen insisted and leaned forward with curiosity.

Star shook her head quickly. “Um, no.”

“No?” Rain laughed, her tone playful. “Fork over the candle, Star. You’ve got us all intrigued now.”

Star shot me a glare that could have melted steel.

I shrugged and bit back a grin. I thought it was funny, and it wasn’t like her family didn’t know we were together.

“Fine,” Star muttered, clearly resigned. “But don’t say I didn’t warn you.”

She handed the box to Carmen, who wasted no time opening it and held the candle up for everyone to see.

“Oh my god,” Star groaned and buried her face in her hands.

“Hell yeah,” Ben exclaimed from across the room. “Send me the link where I can get one of those.”

“What does it say?” Woods piped up; his innocent curiosity sliced through the chaos.