“Yeah, I think you will be okay.” Jensen replies and then frowns, “Actually, knowing Kat she’s probably waiting up for you to get home.”
I grimace, “I really fucking hope not. Knowing Mom, she would yell at me in Italian for ages and then cancel her vacation with Dad, and they have been talking about going for ages.”
“Yeah, I heard them talking about it to my parents,” Trick says. “She would absolutely cancel if she saw you like this.”
“Alright, I’m getting tired,” Jensen announces, “let’s get out of here.” He tilts his head as he looks at me and frowns, “Why are you still shirtless?”
I shrug, “I actually don’t know, Riot said hold on and then walked off.”
Riot chuckles as he comes back and holds up a button-down shirt, “I thought this might be easier for you to get on because you won’t have to reach your arms up. I knew I had seen one somewhere in the truck. I’m not sure whose it is.”
I sigh in relief, “You are awesome. I was actually dreading trying to lift my arms up again and wondering how the fuck I was going to get it off when I got home.”
“I know,” Riot says and holds out the shirt so I can easily slip my arms in.
Once I’ve done it up, I start to head to my car.
“I don’t think so,” Trick says, and I turn back around to look at him. He crosses his arms, “One of your eyes is swollen shut, and you can’t lift your arms over your head. You have had one hell of a night, and are most likely more tired than you realize, we are not risking anything else right now. Rafe will drive your car, and we will follow him back in the truck.”
I smile, “Got it. To be fair, I hadn’t really thought that through. Besides, I would rather not get blood on my cream seats, and there’s still some on my jeans.”
Jensen pulls a face, “Yeah, that was a shitty idea, wasn’t it?”
“Fuck off,” I retort, even though technically he is right, and it’s something that I thought earlier.
“Alright, you two, let’s get out of here; I think we’re lucky Joe hasn’t come down to see why there are still people in his parking lot.”
“I’m surprised he hasn’t already come down here,” I mutter as we all pile in Trick’s truck, and Rafe gets into my car.
The drive to my house is thankfully very uneventful, and by the time we arrive there, I am definitely feeling the effects of the fight. All I want to do is get inside without my mom seeing me, have a shower so that I can wash all of this blood off, and so that if my mom does see me, she doesn’t freak out as much, and then fall into bed with some painkillers.
All of the lights in the house are off, and I’m hoping that means that my parents have gone to bed and aren’t waiting in the dark to scare the shit out of me. To be honest, I wouldn’t put it past them, but I think this time, if they did that, I would be the one that was scaring the shit out of them and not the other way around.
“Are you sure you don’t just want to come back to my place?” Trick asks me with a worried frown.
I shake my head, “No, thanks man. I’m more likely to get seen at your place, if I can get inside then I shouldn’t see my parents until they get back from vacation, and hopefully by then the bruises will have gone, or at least faded.”
Chapter Six
“Yeah, you make a good point.” Trick replies.
“I better get going before she hears the truck and comes out here,” I say.
“I love how you are more afraid of your mom than you are of your dad,” Riot chuckles.
“Dude, mom will kick my ass,” I reply.
She wouldn’t really, and they know that, but having her yell at you in Italian is a whole new level of ‘shit, I’m in trouble’.
“Yeah, she scares the shit out of me to be honest,” Trick admits.
I chuckle, “I remember Jenny used to get Mom to yell for you in Italian if you weren’t listening.”
Trick shudders while everyone else laughs, “Yeah, you fuckers laughed then as well. Ever was the only one that tried to make me feel better.”
The mention of Ever has us all smiling, but my heart squeezes too. When I really stop to think about it, I find it crazy that we can still miss someone as much as we miss Ever, after all this time we still miss her just as much as we did when she first left. Ever, wasn’t just anyone though, she was special. I don’t think any of us will be satisfied until we have found her.