He doesn’t say anything else, just bends his head and kisses me until my brain and body are Jell-O, until I can’t remember his name, my name,words . . .
“Move in with me,” he murmurs.
My feet leave the floor as he picks me up and we start moving towards . . . I’m not sure. The couch?
Doesn’t matter, and I don’t care. I grind myself into him, the thin cotton of my pajamas doing nothing but getting wet andgettingin the way,and he groans as one of his hands leaves my ass and reaches for something . . .
I hear the sliding door open and feel the cool air on my skin.
Why are we going outside?
But before I can really question anything, he’s propped me up against the wall, deftly wrapped both my wrists in his belt and slung it over the wrought iron light fixture.
“What thefuckare you—”
He clamps his hand over my mouth just as there’s an explosion of laughter from the other side of the privacy screen. I hear the clinking of bottles and the low, slurred speech of late-night drunks, but my arms are stuck above my head and his hand is blocking my airway.
He slowly pulls his hand away from my mouth and puts a finger to his lips.
I’m not quite tall enough and have to stand on my tiptoes. I feel stretched out, on display, and completely fuckinghelpless.The entire high rise in front of us could be watching this for all I know.
Clearly he doesn’t care as he runs his palms up my ribs and then pops the neck of my tank top down so my tits are trussed up and exposed, nipples tightening in the cool air.
He drops his head, pulls one into his mouth, and I stifle a moan, his fingers teasing the waistband of my pajamas, running back and forth as he scrapes my nipple with his teeth.
He kisses his way up my sternum, across my collarbone, up the side of my neck until his lips are in my ear.
“Move in with me,” he whispers.
“No?” I squeak.
He hooks his thumbs into my pajamas and yanks them down leaving me bare and exposed, every inch of my skin tingling, the wetness between my legs starting to drip down my thighs.
Just the way he likes.
He pulls my other nipple into his mouth, and I jump as there’s another burst of laughter from his neighbours.
Oh, god . . .Anyone could just look through the lattice. The only thing keeping them from seeing my soaking wet pussy is a wood screen and a fuckingfern.
“Move in with me,” he mumbles against my stomach.
I shake my head no, and he nips my abdomen, before dropping to his knees and running his hands up the insides of my thighs.
“Fuck, Kiernan . . .”he whispers as his fingers slip inside me. “Goddamn.”
I clench around him, desperate for friction, but he takes his sweet-ass time. His fingers are splayed wide inside me, pulling at me in a way that is making my entire body quake. I bite my lip to keep from moaning as he slowly moves his hand in and out, spreading all his fingers open like a flower, my thighs shaking violently, and my feet cramping from being on my tippy toes.
He slides out and then back in, farther,deeperthis time.
“Fuck!” I shout.
I hear the pause on the other side, the voices quieting at once.
“You out here, James?” someone calls.