Page 69 of Tenure

I blink, surprised as always when I’m around her. Whythe fuckam I thinking about rings?

She’s seventeen.

She’s seventeen.

She’s seventeen.

A relationship is one thing, but marriage? She’s not going to want to marry me. I’m twice her age. The lustre will wear off, once school starts in earnest and she’s living in residence, being hit on every night by—

I can’t finish the thought. My hand throbs, and I realize I’m clenching my knuckles again, and try to relax my fist.

But what if shedidwant to marry me, someday? What if . . .

. . .

. . .

. . .

My cock stirs, as excited as I am at the prospect of a lifetime of falling asleep with this woman in my bed and waking up with her in it too.

The waking up is better, because as much as I love that she smells like me? There’s nothing on earth that gets me harder than my bed smelling likeher.

I spend the rest of the evening Googling unique jewelers with Kiernan snoring softly into my chest.

My bank account isdefinitelygoing to take a serious hit.

Just one more thing tonot give a fuckabout.

I kiss her head and breathe her in.

I’ll cum on her later.



I wake up to the smell of bacon and rub my eyes blearily. It wasn’t even dark when we got back to his place. I showered, and then lay down for just a minute, and now it’s apparently morning.

I grab the blanket draped across the end of the bed and wrap myself up in it, padding down the hall, mouth watering. I didn’t eat supper. Just passed the fuck out.Oops.

“Morning,” he says without looking up from his laptop.

“Morning,” I say. I sit down and he slides the croissants towards me.They’re still warm.He pushes the bacon towards me too, still not really paying attention, focused on whatever is on his laptop.

I shift uncomfortably and my wince seems to have involuntarily gotten his attention.

“You okay?”

I shrug. “Just sore.”

He frowns. “How sore.”

I roll my eyes. “I’m fine, James.”

“Don’t roll your eyes.”

I stick my tongue out at him, and his hand snaps out, gripping my hair and tugging it playfully, tilting my head up.