“No,” he says. Zero hesitation.
I throw up my hands. “Fine! Can you at least find me a pair of sweatpants then? I’m cold and all of your fucking furniture is leather. My ass will stick to the seat!”
He grins at me and whips his joggers off and holds them out for me, and I have never felt so flabbergasted in all my life. James McGrath, world’s biggest dick—literallyandfiguratively—is standing in the middle of his living room in FULL Winnie the Pooh, just so I won’t be cold.
Maybe I didn’t imagine him saying I love you . . .
I shake off the thought and snatch them out of his hand, hopping awkwardly to pull them on.
“Wait for me in bed, baby. I’ll be in in a minute.”
I narrow my eyes at him. “Bed. Forsleeping.”
He laughs and leans forward and kisses me sweetly. “Maybe.”
I grumble and waddle down the hall to his room, helping myself to one of his T-shirts and crawling under the covers. The sheets smell like him, and I feel my eyes closing, heavy, as I start to nod off.
I feel him slide into bed next me and try to open my eyes, but I can’t.
“You’re making me narcoleptic,” I mumble.
“Sleep, Kiernan.”
“If we really are gonna sleep, why did you want me to stay?”
“For your excellent company.”
“I’m good company when I’msleeping?”
“You’re good company when you’requiet.”
“I have to go home tomorrow.”
“Okay,” he says. He sounds like he’s humouring me.
“I mean it.”
“James! I have to work.”
“Where do you work?”
“The Rogers Wireless store.”
“Cell phones?”
He scoffs. “I’mwaybetter.”
“I don’t disagree, but I still need to work.”
I roll over to face him and find him shirtless, still wearing his glasses, his book flat on his chest. I wince as my pussy clenches involuntarily at the sight of him, and he grins like he knows.
“Because I need the money.”