He squeezes my chin again, glaring at me, and my temper continues to rise.
“Did you hear me, Kiernan?”
This is better. Mad is better than scared.
“Yes,daddy,”I say.
His face goesblack,and I feel fear prick the back of my neck for anentirelydifferent reason, this time. Before I can open my mouth, or say another fucking word, he grips me by my hips, spins me around, and shoves my face into the tile.
He drops his mouth to my ear. “Apologize.”
“No,”I say in a mocking tone.
I jump, my ass stinging, the sound of his wet slap muffled by the water.
“Say. It.”
“Fuck. You.”
I groan, my skin tingling, pussy pounding, and try to grind my nipples into the wall.
“Fuuuck!” I cry out, ass on fire, muscles twitching from tension. My knees feel weak, and I slide down the wall a little, but his left hand grips my wet hair, wrapping it around his wrist, and yanks me back up so I’m standing.
“SORRY!” I scream.
He yanks my head back so I’m looking up at him.
I could fucking kill you right now.
My tits are heaving, ass chaffed to hell, and I’m pretty sure my adrenal glands are about to give out on me, but he stares me down like he hasall. Fucking. Day.
“Sorry,” I whisper.
His eyes drop to my mouth, face softening as he releases my hair, one hand sliding around my waist and splaying across my belly, the other drifting to my chest, palming my breast gently. Almost lovingly.
“Good girl,” he says, and then he bends his head and kisses me.
My body melts, and he catches my weight with the arm around my middle, kissing me deeper, his tongue slipping into my mouth as he presses his cock to my ass. He grinds against me and moans, the sound disappearing into my mouth, his breathing growing frantic, and his touch growing harder.
“Fuck!” he spits; the only outward sign he’s shown of anything other than complete and total self-control.I want him to do it again.
I stand up on my tiptoes and press my ass backwards, my drenched slit gliding along his shaft and taking him totally by surprise.
“Fuck, Kiernan! Shit!” he hisses. His grip loosens and I take the opportunity to turn back around. His hands are already gripping my ass cheeks and hoisting me up as I wrap my arms around his neck, the blunt head of him poking at my entrance.
My heartbeat goes wild as my brain kicks back in.
Fuck, FUCK I need to tell him I’m a—