Tick tock. 2 minutes left
I gulp, SJ openly reading his message over my shoulder, even her cheeks going pink. I stick my hand up in the air.
“I need to go to the washroom.”
He waves his hand and continues talking, and I avoid eye contact with SJ as I quickly get up and beeline for the door.
What is he going to make me do . . .
I’m in deep fucking shit.
I’m fuming. The woman has more attitude than anyone I’ve ever met in my goddamn life and all I want in the world is to fuck it out of her.
I watch the clock tick down and then dial. If she doesn’t answer, I’m driving to her damn house. But to my surprise, she picks up on the first ring.
“Hi,” she says. She sounds nervous and out of breath, like she’s been running.
“Are you alone?”
“Bathroom stall.”
“Good. Take off your pants.”
“WHAT?” she whisper-yells. “This is a public, high school bathroom!”
“Should have thought of that before smarting off. Take. Off. Your. Pants.”
She’s breathing heavily, clearly angry, but I can tell from the hitch in her rhythm that she’s turned on too.
“Now, Kiernan.”
I hear a rustling noise, and I close my eyes, picturing her slender thighs, round ass, swollen pink pussy . . . My cock is kicking like a mule in my jeans, wet with precum as I remember how she tastes. What it feels like to sink into her tight, wet cunt.
I need to see her face. I need to see this. So I hit Facetime and wait, my cock aching, and try to ignore the lurch in my gut when she answers, and I see her flushed, freckled face on the screen of my phone.
“Show me you’ve done what you’re told.”
She tilts the screen down, her pants undone and pushed to her knees.
“I said take themoff.”
She whimpers, eyes darting to the side, clearly terrified. But I need herexposed.I need her to feel the gravity of this. I want her naked in that fucking stall, where anyone could see her, anyone could walk in, anyone can talk to her.
She props the phone up on something and slides her pants the rest of the way off, hanging them on a hook on the door.