Page 94 of Fixation

Navya shrugged. “See, the thing is, we all say and do ill-advised things in the name of love. I’ve made mistakes as well. But I do believe your intentions were right.”

“Of course, you shouldn’t have hurt her,” Ananya added. “But like all stupid men, you thought you knew better, when you actually didn’t. None of you do; you simply take us women for granted.” She made a face. “Also, the most important reason we want to help you is because we suspect that she’s in love with you as well. She’s just too mad right now. But we’ve seen how miserable she’s been these last weeks. And then she saw you at Club Poseidon, and it was like something had woken up inside her. She doesn’t realise it yet, but she’s been smiling more often since then. So yes, we will help you, with a clear warning—hurt her again, and we will destroy you.”

“Agreed,” Navya said.

The two of them looked so fierce standing together, facing him, like two mother hens protecting their little chick.

He lowered his head. “I promise never to hurt her again.”

“Good,” Ananya announced.

“Thank you, both of you.”

He genuinely was grateful for their acceptance. He looked in the direction of the dance floor again. Reina was still dancing with Aditya, and he didn’t like it one bit.

Ananya clucked her tongue. “Oh, stop getting mad. Come with me.”


“If you want the girl, then you have to claim her.” She rolled her eyes. “Do we have to teach you everything? Seriously?”

He laughed and followed Reina’s elder sister. At least now he had more confirmation that, in all probability, Reina was indeed in love with him. Now, he’d take on the world if he had to, just to get her to forgive him and give him a second chance.


Reina frowned. Why were her sisters talking to Vedant? She chewed her lip, her entire focus on that one man who made her feel every emotion known to mankind. She’d spotted him the minute he stepped inside the house. Though she’d been outside on the lawn, she’d seen him through the glass doors, interacting first with her parents, and then with all the media personalities in attendance. Vedant Oshnov was a famous man, and his interactions with all those people confirmed it. He had an easy, relaxed way of talking to people that clearly put them at ease. Everyone who met him left with a smile.

Case in point her sisters, who were now laughing with him. She breathed out. How the hell had he managed to charm them? Until a few minutes ago, they were firmly team Reina, and now they were behaving like they were on team Vedant.

She inhaled. Her heart was a mess; her mind even more so. Like a fool, she’d waited for Vedant to show up at the pool again. She eagerly wanted to hear the fantastic yet unbelievable story of his life. But he hadn’t shown up, and she’d been so bloody disappointed. Her heart was melting for him, especially after allhis confessions to her, thus leaving her more confused than ever. The urge to give in to him and accept what she felt for him had become a burning need that became more urgent as each day passed. And while those swim sessions in the past used to calm her, now they only served to make her anxious because he hadn’t shown up. The blasted man was ruining everything for her.

The music changed to a slow song, and Aditya pulled her close, dropping his hands to her waist. She put her arms on his shoulders as they began to sway.

Reina smiled at the man dancing with her. “I’m glad you could make it tonight.”

Aditya Wahi, owner of Gemini Group of Companies, was an old friend of Sheena and Rajiv. He and several others from their circle in Mumbai visited Dubai often.

“Me too. Good thing I was in town,” he replied with a warm smile. “I’m happy to meet you. It’s been ages.”

It had been a long time since she’d met him. She’d barely visited Dubai in the last few years and, unfortunately, had never bumped into him during those times. But she did know him well. In fact, there had been a time when Navya and she had crushed on him. However, now she felt nothing when she was in his arms. Not even a tingle. Much unlike all the tingles that assaulted her whenever she was with Vedant.

“I still can’t believe Navya is engaged,” he said, distracting her.

“Armaan is great. Have you met him?”

Aditya grimaced. “I have; he’s an odd, moody fellow.”

Reina laughed. “That is so not him.”

“Perhaps, it’s only with me then,” Aditya shrugged. “What about you? Do you have someone special in your life?”

Her eyes darted to Vedant, who was walking across the lawns in her direction. Her heart stuttered.

He chuckled. “The look on your face says it all.”

“It’s um…complicated,” she finally said.

“It always is…” He shook his head. “Sheena told me that you’ve moved to Dubai now. Are you looking for a job?”