He paused, and she slowed her strokes to study him. He was looking at the ceiling, lost in thought.
“Alexander had been alone for a long time,” Vedant said. “He’d lost his wife and only child during childbirth many years ago. He’d never remarried, and he was quite lost, like he had nothing to look forward to. Someone he knew had recommended this guru in Rishikesh as a means to finding mental peace and well-being. He came to India to find a sense of purpose, and what he found was us instead. Mihir took allof us to meet Alexander the next day, and soon, he became a friend and a mentor. That first year, he stayed for two months. He’d tell us about his life in Russia. His laptop was filled with pictures of a land so different from ours, we were enchanted. We all were quite sad when he left that year. We never expected him to return, but he did every year for four more years. He taught us about the internet and sponsored more education for us, like advanced English, computers, Microsoft Office, and basic finance and accounts.”
Vedant chuckled. “We were quite unruly and undisciplined when we met him. To help us improve our behaviour, he insisted on etiquette and comportment classes. Though we knew Mihir held a special place in his heart, he treated us all equally. He adored us, and we, him. Little did we know at the time that he had been discussing with Mihir the possibility of taking us back to Russia.This was the reason behind his efforts—to prepare us for life there.”
Vedant paused. She halted with him. There were so many questions she wanted to ask, but she kept quiet, curbing her inquisitiveness.
“Mihir had always been close to Alexander.” Vedant continued swimming, and this time, she followed. “Alexander saw his son in him. That’s why he’d initially proposed to take only Mihir. But Mihir refused to leave without us. Alexander was astonished that Mihir was turning down a better life simply because he didn’t want to leave us.Mihir’s unwavering loyalty to us further solidified Alexander’s belief in him,and he promised to take all of us with him. Given the lengthy adoption process in India,especially for foreigners,Mihir suggested that they wait until we all turned eighteen.That way,we could make our own decision whether to go to Russia with him. The plan was for all four of us to go.”
Four? Surely, he meant three. Reina stopped at the end of the pool waiting for him to continue and thus clarify what he’d said. Instead, Vedant turned to her. He moved a step closer to her. And then another until he was towering over her. Her skin heated. Her mind spun. His strong scent washed over her, making her want and crave again. Why did only this man make her feel like this? Desperate and needy… for him... She exhaled, trying to calm the rioting emotions within her. But it was of no use. He only had to be close, and she lost every sensible thought in her head. He lifted a hand to touch her face. She shut her eyes, desperate for the feel of his skin on hers. But it never came. Her eyes popped open. Lips tipped, he grabbed the railing next to her and climbed out of the pool.
Fucking hell. Why the hell couldn’t she control herself around him?
Vedant walked to a lounger, lifted a towel, and started drying his hair as if done with the conversation.
Her eyes involuntarily coasted over his body. Strong muscles graced his arms and torso. His abs were sharper now, more well defined. The scar on his leg was hidden by his swim shorts. However, that scar on his upper chest was the only reminder of his past injury. He looked fitter, healthier, and better than ever. So… freaking hot. Her mouth watered looking at all the sharp, rough edges of his body. Her eyes met his twinkling ones.
He smirked. “I do like how you keep checking me out,moyaprekrasnaya. At least that hasn’t changed.”
Shit. She was ogling him again. Lowering her eyes, she asked. “You said the plan was for all four of you to go.Four?”
Lifting a gym bag, he swung it across his shoulder. “I’ll continue the rest of my story when you meet me again,alone.”
“Don’t sound so confident,” she said.
“Reina, you became mine even before my heart had accepted what I felt for you. I love you, and if you think I’ll let you gowithout a fight, then you don’t know me at all. You’remineand your body realises that; I’ll wait for your heart to come to that same conclusion.”
“It won’t.”
He smiled. “Itwill. I love you, don’t forget that, not even for a second. I made a mistake, one I’m willing to do anything to make right. Give me a chance to do that, please.”
His softly worded plea had her heart melting and her body itching to be closer to him. But her mind screamed at her to never give in to him. That he could and would hurt her again.
Vedant observed her silently for a few seconds. Giving her a smile, he left. She pressed a hand to her aching heart. It was so tempting to accept him. It would be so easy to allow him back into her life. But trust? Could she trust him never to hurt her again? Did he really love her like he said he did?
Giving in to him meant surrendering completely to him and this love between them. But would this love last forever? Or like her birth mother, would she also be the victim of a sad love story? Was it really worth it to take a chance on him?
Fuck. This man knew exactly how to get her attention. And fool that she was, she was once again losing the battle with her heart and falling into his trap. And it scared her… so very much.
Three days later, Vedant sat with Armaan in his brother’s Bentley as they made their way to the Mehra home in Dubai’s Bay Estate. It was the night of Armaan and Navya’s engagement party. He and his brothers had taken the plunge. The ball was in motion.
Once Rajiv Mehra had endorsed this plan, everything had been quickly put in place. Yesterday, Navya and Armaan had held a press conference in O-Corp’s office to announce their engagement to the world. The next issue of Ananya’s Noir Fashion magazine was going to have a centre-spread feature on them. Already, the world was abuzz with the news of Armaan’s newfound happiness. Armaan and Navya were being spoken about on every news channel and magazine. Tonight’s party at Rajiv Mehra’s home would further cement the news of their relationship.
It was very heartening to see how Rajiv had offered his full support to them. Vedant needed to meet him soon. He was in love with the man’s sister, and he needed him on his side. Besides, both Armaan and Mihir genuinely respected Reina’s elder brother. Perhaps, one day soon, he too could boast of amutual respect and friendship with Rajiv, that is, if Reina ever agreed to give him a chance again. He sighed. She would. She had to. Any other alternative meant the end of his world. Even the mere thought of that made his pulse skitter.
He calmed himself. He needed to be patient and give her time. That’s why he’d stayed away from her and not visited her during her early morning swim sessions again. He wanted to see if she missed him—if she craved him as much as he craved her.
He’d started telling her the story of his life with the hope that one day she’d also tell him all her secrets. He’d left her in suspense, hoping that if she genuinely cared about him, then she’d seek him out to listen to the rest of it… but if she didn’t… He shook his head. He wasn’t thinking of that.
In a few minutes, he’d be seeing her again. He needed to be calm when he met her. He faced Armaan, who was looking out of the window, his knee bouncing restlessly.
“It’s going to be okay,” Vedant said. “Everyone is going to be safe. We will ensure it.”
Armaan faced him. “I know, but I am shit scared nonetheless.”
“So am I…” Vedant sighed. “But this waiting and worrying is killing me. Ivan will act, and we will be there to thwart him. We won’t let him hurt anyone we love ever again.”