“Almost, being the keyword,” Armaan said. “Stay a few weeks more in London. Heal. Recover.”
Before Vedant could argue further, Mihir asked, “What did you want to talk to us about?”
“Tyrion has been trying to speak to Anita’s family and friends for days. He finally managed to talk to her mother. She told himthat Anita suspected she was being followed and was scared. You guys know she’d been trying to get in touch with me. What if she’d figured out something?”
“You’re making assumptions because you feel guilty about her death,” Mihir said.
“Please stop doing that,” Armaan said.
“Then why the hell had she been so desperate to reach me?” Vedant queried.
Navya appeared behind Armaan. Both his brothers smiled at her. She waved at Vedant.
“Hi, Navya!” he greeted her warmly.
She gave Vedant a smile. Armaan crossed his arms on his chest and gave her a sullen look.
She swiped a hand in the air. “Stop being difficult. I’m only going to stay with my family for one night. My sister has been in town for weeks now, and I haven’t spent a single night at home with her.”
“It’s your fault that I’m used to having you here,moya tigritsa,” Armaan said. “I can’t sleep without you.”
Vedant laughed. Ever since Armaan had moved Navya to their home in Dubai, he looked relieved and way happier. Armaan was paranoid about her safety and had armed bodyguards follow her around everywhere. The fact that he actually let her out of his sight to go to work or to stay at her parents house boggled Vedant. How did his brother fight the desperate urge to protect the woman he loved and yet allow her to live her life?
Armaan whispered something in Navya’s ear, and she giggled. Vedant smiled, looking at them.
Mihir pushed past Armaan and Navya to stand in front of the screen. “Ignore them. I usually do.”
“You’re never home to be around us to ignore us,” Navya complained. “You work all the time.”
Mihir rolled his eyes, but Vedant noted the hint of a smile on his elder brother’s face. He knew how fond Mihir had become of Navya. She was a breath of fresh air in their home. Vedant had spoken to her several times on the phone, and he couldn’t wait to meet her in person so he could get to know her better.
“Do you have the photograph, Mihir?” Vedant asked. This was the reason they all were on the call.
Mihir nodded. Vedant took a deep breath. They were all going to see Karina’s photo. Navya had finally convinced both Armaan and Vedant to let go of their guilt concerning Karina and move forward.
“Alright, Mihir,” Armaan said. “Show us. Vedant, are you ready?”
“Yes, I’m finally okay with doing this,” Vedant said.
Mihir clicked a button on his iPad, and the screen split into two. His brothers and Navya were on one side, and an old photograph was rendered on the other. Vedant gasped.
“This is the old picture of her that Mrs. Braganza sent me,” Mihir explained.
Vedant stared at the image of a young Karina. She looked to be ten or twelve. His eyes stung. He remembered her like this, so young and vibrant. His memories, hazy as they were, rushed to the forefront of his mind. She’d been around his age. They used to play together, laugh together, and dream of a better life together. He and his brothers were now living a happy and fulfilled life. They had been fortunate. Alexander had changed their lives for good, and now, thanks to him and the resources they’d had, they would find her one day. In the meanwhile, he prayed that wherever she was, she was living a good and happy life too.
“Vedant, are you good, brother?” Mihir asked.
Nodding, Vedant cleared his throat. He was overcome with emotion, just like Armaan was.
“This next one is the AI image I chose to search for her,” Mihir said. “I feel this resembles her the most.”
Mihir swiped on his iPad, and Vedant’s mouth fell open. The picture was… it was…incredible.
“This is… this is simply wow,” Armaan expressed. “It is such an amazing resemblance. I’m sure she looks like this now.”
“She’s so pretty,” Navya exclaimed. “I can’t wait to meet her.”
“You will soon,” Mihir replied. “I have people searching the whole of India for her. Our team is going through databases of passport records, Aadhar card images, PAN card images, etc. There is a load of data to sift through, but we will find her.”