Page 39 of Fixation

“Let’s start with walking in the water,” she instructed. She walked the length of the pool with him a few times, before moving on to some shoulder rotations and arm swings. Once she was satisfied that his movements were free of pain and easy for him, she said, “You’re doing good. Shall we try swimming some laps?”

She swam side by side with him as they traversed the length of the pool. For the first two laps, Vedant stopped a few times to catch his breath. But after that, he came into his own, swimming alongside her without a pause.

“Hey, let’s stop a bit,” she said, two more laps later.

He smiled. “That felt great.”

“Water therapy is excellent for recovery,” she said.

He raked a hand through his hair, pushing them behind. “I agree. I feel energised and refreshed.”

Silence lapsed between them. She looked around. The Oshnovs massive temperature-controlled pool was on one side of the castle, separated from the rest of the house with its own glass ceiling enclosure. It was magnificent, especially right now, with the early morning sunlight pouring into the pool from the overhead roof, making the water shimmer. She dipped herhands in the water, watching the rays dance on her skin. This had truly become her favourite place in this house.

Vedant gave her a sideways glance. “I love swimming. I used to swim daily before the attack. I am, or I was, rather, an early riser, and these early morning swims always managed to calm me and help me think. Best time of the day for me.”

“I suppose we have that in common then,” she continued dipping her hand in and out of the water, “Swimming is like therapy for me too, and I also love morning swims. So relaxing and rejuvenating. I used to swim daily when I was younger.”


“But life happened. I hadn’t swum in years until I came here. Now I can’t imagine going back to my old life and not having time for these simple joys.”

“Maybe you ought to change your job then. I mean, work somewhere where the pace is slower and not so hectic. Life shouldn’t be only about work. You should have time to do things that matter to you.”

She thought through his words. The past few years of her life flashed in front of her eyes. He was right. She’d only been working. Her visits home had also reduced. She was truly not doing any of the things that had made her happy. Perhaps, once she left from here, she ought to look for a job at a smaller hospital where the pace was easier.

“I suppose you’re right,” she finally said.

He grinned. “I usually am.”

She rolled her eyes. “You also think way too highly about yourself.”

“Debatable. But I do know you like me even though you pretend otherwise. I also know you like talking to me,da?”

Her lips tipped. She liked this naughty, playful side of him. And it was true; she did enjoy his company. “I do like talking to you.”

“Dr. Singh,” he gasped, “Are you actually agreeing with me?”

She turned to face him. “Maybe.”

And before he could say anything else, she put a finger on his lips. “Uh uh. Don’t say anything to spoil the moment.”

His lips spread under her finger. She felt his smile. Her eyes latched onto his mouth. This sexy mouth had started invading her dreams too. She’d dreamt of him for two consecutive nights now. Naughty, X-rated dreams, in which he was kissing her and then his hands and mouth had lowered down her body, touching her, licking her, undressing her. Her breath hitched.

His hand raised to her cheek, and she shook her head. “Our deal was that you wouldn’t touch me...”

“I haven’t yet touched you. You, however…” He lowered his eyes to her hand, which was still on his mouth, her fingers tracing the contours of his lips. Her stomach jumped. She hadn’t even realised she’d been doing that. She yanked her hand away, but he caught it in his.

His eyes on her, he lifted her hand to his face and nuzzled the back of it with his nose. Her heart thudded.

“Mr. Oshnov…” she breathed out.

“Still keeping me at a distance, Reina?”

“We really shouldn’t,” she said.

“There’s no one here, but you and me.” He kissed the back of her hand, and her chest rumbled in approval. He released her hand, but his heavy gaze stayed on her, making her heart race.

Her skin tightened. She felt tingles everywhere. Something came alive inside her when he was near her. It was a beast awakening, demanding fulfilment. Making her ache.