Page 37 of Fixation

He grinned. “Thank you,Reina.”

She threw him a hard look.

He sobered down. “I know you’ve been limiting spending time with me because you are attracted to me.”

“I am right here, and I have taken over the shift from Dr. Jones. I’d say there is a flaw in your logic.”

He narrowed his eyes. “Please credit me with some intelligence. You saw me yawning. You know I’ll fall asleep as soon as I shut my eyes. That’s the only reason you took over the shift. Just so you don’t have to spend time chatting with me. It’s your way of avoiding the inevitable.”

“Which is what?”

“That you are as attracted to me as I am to you.”

When she opened her mouth to argue, he held a hand out stopping her. “I was right here when you kissed me. You are attracted to me; don’t deny it. Anyway, what I’m trying to say isthat until I’m not properly back on my feet, can I request you to spend more time with me?”

She frowned. “Why? Are the others on the team not looking after you well?”

“They are, but I don’t feel as safe in their presence as I do with you. I cannot explain it, but you being around makes me feel stronger and calmer. I panic less about my condition when you’re in front of me.”

“And yet you gave me a hard time initially?”

He grinned. “Hey, I apologised for that and you accepted my apology. Besides, I was mad more at myself and not at you, which you correctly deduced. What I am trying to explain to you is that my mind settles when you’re around. It always has, even when we were on not-so-good terms. Maybe, it’s your vibe. Come closer so I can investigate better.”

She backed a step. He chuckled.

“Okay, I get what you are saying,” she said. “But I cannot change everyone’s schedules to suit me.”

“Pozhaluysta. Please, Reina.”

She tugged on her lower lip, lost in thought for a moment, and then a cat-like smile curved her lips. He knew he wouldn’t like what she was going to say next.

“Alright, I will do as you say,” she began, “but you have to promise me that you won’t get physical with me again. No kissing, and no inappropriate touching.”

“I accept,” he held his hand out. “Do we have a deal?”

She took his hand. Electricity crackled between them. Fuck. Every single time. She stared at their joined hands in disbelief.

Vedant removed his hand from hers. “I’m happy to not repeat that kiss, one which I didn’t initiate, so as to get you to spend time with me. That is more important right now. Because once you spend time with me, youwilltouch me and kiss me of your own accord.”

She gave him a hard look. “Never.”

“Never say never,moya prekrasnaya,Reina.”

Her forehead creased. “What does that mean?”

“It means my beautiful, Reina…” He smiled. “Even you cannot deny that you felt exactly what I did when our hands touched right now.”

“Don’t make me regret agreeing to your request, Mr. Oshnov.”

“I promise you, Reina, that regret is not what you will be feeling in a few days from now.”

He quirked his brows at her. She stared at him for a long moment and then went to sit on the chair a little distance away from him.

“Oh, and, Reina,” he said aloud. “I also promise you that you will take my name one day soon.”

He saw the slight shake of her head before she removed her book from her coat’s pocket. He leaned back on his bed and shut his eyes, feeling excited. Today was a good day. He’d finally walked for the first time after the shooting. It was enough to excite him. He was going to call and tell his brothers immediately. They’d be thrilled for him. He was thrilled for himself. He grinned.

Adding to his delight was that the affirmation of what he suspected Reina felt for him. Now he knew for sure that Reina was attracted to him. Their kiss earlier returned to his mind—the softness of her mouth, the eagerness of her caresses. Yes, Dr. Reina Singh was most definitely attracted to him. And now that she had agreed to spend more time with him, he would have an opportunity to learn everything about her.