He helped himself to some water. “Okay, I suppose.”
Which was true. He always woke up feeling fine, but about an hour later, he was tired again. And the pain was always lingering in the background. It sucked.
He looked around, suddenly remembering something. “Doctor, Tyrion’s forgotten to bring me my cell phone. Can you ask him to get it for me?”
Her eyes latched on him. “Unfortunately, I cannot do that.”
He frowned.
“I mean, it’s best for you to stay away from screens for now. You need to rest and sleep.”
“I need my phone. I have a business to run. I need to be connected to the world,da?” he explained gently, hoping to win her to his side.
“The world can wait for you to heal, Mr. Oshnov,” she replied stiffly. “There is a TV here on the wall. You can watch a little if you wish, but my advice would be to even avoid that and sleep as much as you can.”
As usual, her tone bothered him no end.
“You don’t allow my team to discuss anything with me, you prohibit me from using my phone, and you decide how much TV I ought to watch. Are you a doctor or a fucking dictator?”
Her lips flattened. “I only want what’s best for you.”
“Then letmedecide what’s best for me. Being in touch with my work and my team calms me. I need my phone and my laptop.”
“Unfortunately, I cannot authorise any of that.” She lifted her nose in the air. “I am responsible for you, and hence, this is how it’s going to be. Your brother agrees with me, so if you have a problem following my instructions, take it up with him.”
This doctor had somehow convinced Mihir to listen to everything she said, and hence, his team had been instructed to do the same. He needed to take this up with his brother soon.
He stared at her. Her dislike for him was obvious. It was evident in everything she did around him—the way her lips compressed, the way her brows creased, and the way her temper flared like she was one second away from stabbing him.
She was infuriating and maddening, and behaved so bloody supercilious all the time. He ought to let her be, but he just couldn’t seem to shut his mouth around her.
“Do you know how annoying and difficult you are?” he grumbled.
She sighed and rolled her eyes.
“Just stop,” he said.
She shrugged. “Stop what?”
“All this sighing and exhaling that you do when you’re near me. I’m not a fucking child.”
Her eyes narrowed on him. “Then don’t fucking act like one.” She shut her eyes for a brief second and then lifted her jaw. “Apologies. I shouldn’t have reacted like that. I don’t know what came over me.”
“You don’t sound apologetic in the least,” he scoffed.
She stared at him. “Mr. Oshnov, what is the problem here? You have been at odds with me since the moment you opened your eyes, when all I have done is help you.”
“Sure, and you’ve hated every minute of it.”
“To tell you the truth,” she began, “I am upset. I was brought here by force. I am living here under threat.”
“And aren’t you being paid a hell lot of money for it?” His voice was stiff as he spoke.
“Money? Is that all you think about?” Her mouth tightened. “Yes, you’re paying me ahelllot of money, but I value my freedom more. Besides, I’m here, aren’t I? And I am willing to help you. You’re angry all the time, and it makes me wonder if you’re only taking it out on me when the real problem is that you’re just angry with yourself.”
He clenched his teeth. “Stop talking.”
“No.” She crossed her arms over her chest. “Let’s just get it all out in the open. I haven’t heard you misbehaving with anyone else from my team. So, the way I see it, you’re blaming yourself over your attack, and now you’re lashing out and making me the target. Why? Because I saved you? Did you want me to let you die?"