“I’m in your city. Of course, I’d get in touch.”
“It’s not like we’re friends, Laila,” Reina scoffed.
After all their discussions this morning, Vedant had concluded that it was best for Reina to be honest with both women. That was the only way to assess their reactions.
“Don’t be like this,” Laila said. “We’re in a different city and in a different situation. Let bygones be bygones. Besides, did Su Min tell you that Dr. Williams has resigned? Apparently, the management launched an enquiry on him after someone complained of sexual harassment, and now some more nurses and doctors have come forth and complained similarly.”
“What?” Reina gasped.
“Yes,” Su Min replied. “I’m glad someone took the first move. Isn’t it, Reina?”
Reina nodded. Vedant noted the shocked look on her face. But she quickly cleared her face to ask Laila, “Why are you really here? It cannot be to only gossip about Dr. Williams.”
“I want us to be friends,” Laila said. “Maybe we can go out after this; you can take me shopping. In fact, all three of us can go.”
“Really?” Su Min cut in. “Just a few days ago, upon my return to work, you spoke a whole lot of nasty things about Reina to me, blaming her for Vedant kicking you out of his house. You called her all sorts of names when I told you that I believed Vedant and Reina were together. And now, you’re here, pretending all is okay. Why?”
Vedant exchanged a surprised glance with Mihir. They still couldn’t understand if either of the women were suspects or both of them were innocent.
The waitress arrived with a cold drink and placed it in front of Laila.
Laila took a sip of her drink as an awkward silence reined between the women. From the mirror’s reflection, Vedant saw a man wearing a high collared jacket approach the women. He took the chair next to Reina and sat down beside her. Panic crossed Reina’s face as she looked from the man to something he was holding in his hand.
Horror spread through Vedant’s heart when he saw who that man was, and that he was discreetly pointing a gun at Reina. He began to rise, but Mihir caught his shoulder, shaking his head.
“Don’t,” Mihir warned. “He doesn’t know we are here.”
“Who?” Armaan asked. “Who’s there?”
“You can’t expect me to sit here when he has a gun pointed at Reina,” Vedant lashed out.
“What the fuck is going on?” Rajiv barked. “One of you needs to talk or I’m coming inside.”
“Karl Leipzig is here,” Mihir said. “He’s sitting with the ladies and has a gun pointed at Reina.”
“Why the fuck did no one notice his arrival?” Rajiv barked. “We’ve been assessing everyone coming and going.”
“That’s because he must have already been in the restaurant when we came in,” Vedant guessed. “Fuck. We should have been more vigilant in screening the people already at the restaurant.”
There were a lot of curses and discussion in the background, but he ignored all that noise to focus on the conversation happening at Reina’s table.
“Who are you?” Reina asked. “What do you want?”
“It’s quite simple, actually,” the man said. “My boss wants you.”
“Your boss, you mean Ivan.”
“So, the Oshnovs have kept you updated,” Karl said.
“Of course,” Reina replied. “And one of these women planned this with you to get to me, correct?”
He nodded.
Reina looked at the women. “How much did they pay you to come here?”
Su Min gasped. But Reina wasn’t looking at her; her eyes were focused on Laila, who was smiling.
“They paid me enough,” she said. “And once Su Min confirmed that Vedant and you were indeed together, they paid for my trip to Dubai as well. Look at you! You had an affair with Vedant Oshnov while chiding me for being interested in him. How very conniving of you. What I don’t get is why he was rude to you in front of me. Lover’s quarrel, was it?”