Page 101 of Fixation

Vedant’s eyes burned with unshed tears as he looked at his brothers. “Can you believe it? She’s safe and happy,da?”

“Yes,” Navya shifted out of Armaan’s arms to look at Mihir and Vedant. “Now we can narrow our search to Mumbai. Let’s hope she actually lives there and wasn’t simply visiting.”

“God, I hope so!” Armaan pulled Navya in his arms, resting his chin on her head. “This is the best night ever. I get to celebrate my engagement to the woman I love, and we finally have some concrete news about our sister.”

Armaan addressed Mihir and him. “Should one of us go to Mumbai?”

“Absolutely not,” Mihir rejected. “We don’t want anyone to suspect Karina’s there.”

“I agree,” Vedant said. “We have resources that we can mobilise from here itself.”

Armaan nodded.

“We have to be careful now,” Mihir warned. “The whole world now knows of Armaan’s newfound happiness. I’m certain Ivan knows it too. He won’t like it, and my instinct says he will act.”

“I’ve been thinking,” Vedant began, “This whole plan has been to push Ivan to come out in the open. I want to instigate him further. To force him in such a way that he has no choice but to make a move against us.”

Mihir’s brow furrowed. “What do you have in mind?”

Vedant faced all of them. “What is the one thing we have that inheriting O-Corp has given us?”

“Money, status?” Navya said.

“Sure, and?”

“Power,” Armaan lifted his jaw. “We have power.”

“Exactly,” Vedant concurred. “In all the stress over Ivan, over our attacks, and Karina’s safety, we’ve forgotten how powerful we truly are. I have contacts in all the major banks across the world. I can force the banks to freeze all his accounts and assets. They will listen to me.”

Armaan released Navya and stepped closer. “That is, in fact, a great plan.”

Mihir nodded slowly. “If we actually manage to do that, he will have no choice but to crawl out of whatever hole he’s hidden himself in. Do it, Vedant.”

“Consider it done then,” Vedant said. “I’ll start finding out where Ivan’s stored his money. I’ll start with his accountant and go on from there. It will take some time, but it will be done.”

Armaan squeezed Vedant’s shoulder. “Have I told you lately that you’re bloody brilliant?”

Vedant gave him the stink-eye. “You bastard, you weren’t even on my side a little while ago.”

“I’m always on your side, brother,” Armaan said sheepishly.

“That sounds very convenient now that Reina isn’t here. At least Navya and Mihir’sAnnaare on my side.”

Mihir huffed out a breath before he looked heavenward, shaking his head in frustration.

Armaan pulled Navya to him. “Yeah, I’m still waiting to hear how that happened. Let’s call it a night,moya milaya. You have some explaining to do.”

Before they exited, Armaan turned to address Mihir, “Oh and by the way, Rajiv knows about Vedant and Reina. You’re still in the clear as he doesn’t know you got the baby sister kidnapped.”

Navya chuckled. “All the best, Mihir. Trust me, you will need it. I have a feeling Vedant will get away scot-free, but you… You’ll have to deal with my brother’s wrath.”

“Fuck,” Mihir cursed. He, too, left the room. Vedant followed his brothers out. They all parted at the stairs, each one heading to their private wing in this grand house they had built by the sea.

Smiling, he entered his bedroom. Tonight, was a great night indeed. First, Reina had agreed to give him a second chance, and now they had some concrete evidence that Karina was alive and well. One day soon, he would meet her. In the meantime, he had to first win Reina back.


Reina’s phone beeped twice.