“Shehas a name,” Ananya retorted. “And you better get used to using it.”
She marched angrily towards Mihir. “Did you threaten Armaan that you wouldn’t attend his wedding if I did?”
Wait, what? Mihir had done that? Good God.
Navya neared her sister. “Shit. Who told you that?”
“I’ve been so excited about the wedding for days,” Ananya told her. “And today, Sheena finally told me to calm down because there was no wedding on the cards because ofhim.”
Ananya looked at Mihir. “Is this true?”
“Da.” Mihir didn’t even bat an eye. “I did tell Armaan to have the wedding without me.”
“That will never happen, brother,” Armaan replied.
Mihir shrugged. “Fine, then ask her not to come, and I’ll be there.”
“Fucking bastard,” Ananya raged. “How dare you assume that I won’t attend my own sister’s wedding?”
“Not sure what I am supposed to do or say here,” Mihir replied.
Vedant stared at his eldest brother. Mihir was behaving unemotional and detached. It was so unlike him. Was Vedant the only one who saw how Ananya affected Mihir?
“Who are you, Mihir?” Ananya sounded sad. “I don’t recognise you anymore.”
“I am who I am because of your betrayal and your deception.”
Ananya stared at Mihir, before approaching him. Mihir lifted his chin and looked down at her. She pulled a gold chain frominside her t-shirt and dropped it down on her chest. Mihir’s eyes fell on the chain exactly as she’d intended, and they widened.
Vedant’s eyes popped when he realised what dangled from her chain. Fuck. The situation had just gone from bad to extremely bad.
“How the fuck do you have this?” Mihir stormed. He put a finger through the chain and tugged on it, ensuring he didn’t touch Ananya at all. “I want my ring back.”
Ananya flicked the chain from his fingers. The red diamond on the ring glittered as she stepped back. She hid the chain inside her t-shirt again, looking rather pleased with herself. “Sorry, since I’ve had this ring for more than what, seven years now, I think it belongs to me.”
Mihir’s face hardened. “Anna?—”
“—you lost the right to call me that after you rejected me over and over. My name is Ananya,” she hissed. “Address me as such or not at all.”
“You don’t get to dictate to me ever,Anna.”
“You asshole.”
Mihir took an irate step near her.
“Navya, look,” Armaan said aloud. “Mihir and Ananya are in a room together and they are talking. Isn’t that what you stipulated as a precondition for dating me? See, I’ve fulfilled it.”
“What?” Ananya and Mihir both said at the same time.
Vedant barked out a laugh. This was too funny. Mihir threw him a hard glare.
Navya giggled. “They’re not talking; they’re biting each other’s head off.”
“Shut up, both of you,” Ananya snapped.
“I want my ring,” Mihir said.
Ananya gave him a wide smile. “You will never have it.”