“Armaan said the exact same thing,” Mihir breathed out. “Just remember that losing Karina is on all of us. It is not only on you. We will find her, Vedant.”
“I know we will. We cannot fail her a second time.”
“We won’t…” Mihir sighed. “I have to go too. Take care and come home as soon as you can.”
After Mihir hung up, Vedant processed everything he had heard. Good God, Anita. He was so upset about her. Suddenly, Armaan’s words hit him with a force.
“Imagine if she really was important to you.”
His heart fell. Reina. Reina really meant something to him. He couldn’t let anything happen to Reina. What if Su Min had guessed that Reina was involved with him? What if she’d seen him kiss her? Fear coiled beneath his skin.
No. Reina couldn’t be made a target just because she was with him. He wouldn’t fail her. He wouldn’t fail yet another woman, especially not one who had become so Goddamn important to him.
It was ten in the night when Reina finally neared Vedant’s bedroom. Su Min had left earlier in the day. Reina had parted from her with a hug and a promise to be in touch when she herself left from here. Reina had just been thankful that they hadn’t parted on a bad note, despite their minor altercation earlier.
Su Min had gone, but Laila had stubbornly stayed back. She claimed she wouldn’t go unless Vedant himself asked her to leave. Irritated by her behaviour, Reina had stayed clear of her for the rest of the day. She had more pressing problems to think about; Laila’s tantrums were the least of her concerns. Vedant would ensure she left; she was certain of that. But so far, she hadn’t gotten a chance to speak to him.
She’d tried several times to meet him, but each time, she’d been turned away by Tyrion. He’d told her that Vedant was busy and didn’t want to be disturbed. She figured he was inundated with work because he’d even skipped his physio session. She breathed out. She was here now, and they’d finally have this much-anticipated talk. He needed to know she was ReinaMehra, Navya’s sister. He needed to know everything about her. No more delaying this.
However, his entire demeanour was sombre when she finally walked inside. He didn’t accost her like he usually did, and didn’t pull her to him and kiss her senseless like she’d expected him to. In fact, he sat on his sofa watching her.
“Is everything okay?” she asked.
He ran a hand through his hair. “Of course. Please sit. I’ve had a rather long day.”
“Are you in pain? Do you need something?”
“I’m just exhausted, Reina,” he said.
Relieved, she dropped onto the sofa beside him. He immediately rose, opened a bottle of water, and gulped it down. This time, he took a seat on the armchair next to her. Strange.
He’s just tired, she told herself.
“You missed your physio,” she said. “I know you’ve been busy, but this is important for your recovery.”
He pushed his glasses up his nose. “Yes. I know. Anyway, Tyrion mentioned that you’ve been wanting to talk to me.”
He looked worn out and exhausted. Her heart went to him.
“You need to take it easy, you know,” she said gently. “Don’t stress yourself out.”
“It’s imperative that I work. Now more than ever.”
“Has something happened?” she queried.
He didn’t reply. She studied him carefully. His shoulders were tense, and his right fist was clenching and unclenching.
She put her hand atop his. “What is wrong? Talk to me.”
“I’m fine.” He moved his hand from under hers. “What did you want to talk about?”
A chill swept over her. Something was definitely not right with him. He was behaving most unlike himself. It felt like… like…
“Why are you pushing me away?” she blurted out.
His eyes zeroed in on hers. She felt like she was looking into a cold stormy sea. Standing, he walked to the open terrace doors. Thunder rent the sky, followed by lightning, and then it began to pour. The mood outside reflected the situation inside this room. Vedant silently twisted the ring on his pinkie finger, watching the rain come down.