It had been too long since he had seen her. Staying away from Navya was so bloody hard, but being with her, would be harder.
More than double of the usual armed security guards paroled the grounds of his property as of this minute. It was the same in Dubai. This was his life now—unsafe, unpredictable, and dangerous. Navya was better off away from him. Safer, and one day, happier too, he hoped.
Navya checked her phone. She’d made several attempts to get in touch with Armaan for more than a week now, but all had been in vain. She’d made endless trips to his house only to be turned back. He was cutting her off and it hurt, big time. The only updates she got on him were from Mihir. Thankfully, he was accepting her calls, and it was through him she’d learned that Armaan was doing good and that they were in London currently.
She dropped down on the sofa in her living room. God, why had she been so quick to tell Ananya that she didn’t love him? Why had she resisted him for so long? She was responsible for the way she’d damaged their relationship. All she needed was one chance. One chance to correct the false impression she’d created in his mind. But Armaan wasn’t giving it to her.
How could she even convince him that she loved him if he didn’t talk to her? As more time passed, the distance between them would only grow. Her chest constricted. She was losing him, and she didn’t know what to do.
The sound of voices from the foyer made her rise. Sheena entered, holding Shiven’s hand and rolling a small carry all withher other hand. Spotting Navya, Shiven ran to her. She carried him in her arms, twirling him in the air.
“You’re back,” she kissed his cheek. “I missed you, my lil munchkin.”
Sheena gave her a hug. “We have so much to catch up on. Rajiv’s given me the details, but I want to hear everything from you.”
Shiven squealed loudly in happiness, pulling Navya’s cheeks. He planted a loud, noisy kiss on her nose as he waved his arms around her, speaking in his small sentences. He was all of three years old and spoke nineteen to the dozen. She smiled for the first time in days.
More voices sounded from behind Sheena and Navya watched her parents enter. They came to her and drew her in a hug each. Hearing all the commotion, Ananya came down the stairs and rushed to her parents and sister-in-law.
Her whole family was finally back in town. In the last two weeks, Rajiv had hired round-the-clock security to guard the house and all of them. Only once he was convinced that he could protect his family had he asked their family to return home.
From behind them all, Rajiv entered, his daughter Nia in his arms, followed by the rest of the staff as they brought in more of the luggage. Seeing him, Navya threw him an angry look. He looked heavenward.
“What is going on?” Sheena asked her, not missing anything as usual. “What was that nasty look between Rajiv and you?”
“Oh, they didn’t tell you?” Ananya sounded amused. She took Nia from Rajiv. “Well, they’re not talking to one another since Rajiv forced her to return from the hospital after Armaan woke up and refused to see her. She’s mad at Rajiv for not allowing her to stay there, and he’s mad at her for being mad at him.”
Both Rajiv and she scowled at their sister at the same time. Ananya swatted a hand in the air. “Oh, please. You both need toget over this drama. It’s annoying as hell.” She faced Nia, tickling her belly. “Isn’t it, my darling? Your dad and Navya need to make up, don’t they? God, I missed you, my baby.”
Nia giggled.
Sheena flicked her husband a surprised glance. “Why have you not told me this?”
He threw his hands up in the air. “Navya’s behaving childishly. What am I supposed to do? It’s not like I’ve not tried patching up with her. She refuses to talk to me.”
“You didn’t listen to me when I told you I wanted to meet Armaan,” Navya retaliated.
“And what would that have achieved, huh?” Rajiv queried. “He didn’t want to see you then, and Mihir wasn’t going to allow you in.”
“We’ve just come home, and I can’t believe that both of you are at it,” their mom said, taking a seat on the sofa.
“It wasn’t his decision to take, Mom,” Navya countered. “I’m so mad at him.”
“Someone had to think sensibly, since you clearly weren’t,” Rajiv replied. “You needed to give Armaan time to cool off.”
“And now I’ve given him time,” Navya yelled, “It’s gotten me nowhere, all thanks to you. Had I been there, I would have forced myself inside.”
Rajiv rolled his eyes again. “You’re mad to even think that Mihir would have allowed you to do that. Did you see his face that day? He wasn’t going to be persuaded, least of all by you.”
“You didn’t let me try. You just wanted to get me out of there as fast you could.”
“You had just been attacked, and Mihir confirmed there was a threat on their lives. How did you even expect me to leave you there?”
“No, you behaved extremely selfish because you got scared and were worried only about the safety of your wife and kids.”
Sheena gasped. Ananya glared at her. Navya shut her eyes, knowing she’d crossed a line. She opened her eyes and Rajiv was watching her, his entire body stiff. Her mom shook her head in disapproval and her dad looked at her in dismay.