“They’ll return as soon as I’ve assessed the risk here. I’ll call them once I’ve ensured everything is safe. Anyway, I flew out as soon as Ananya called me.” He studied her. “How is he?”
She gulped. “He has several broken ribs, a severe shoulder injury, and he’s badly concussed. He took a terrible blow to the back of his head. He’s not responding, so they’ve put him in the ICU. If he doesn’t wake up, then they say he might slip into a coma, and then…” Her eyes watered. “What if he doesn’t wake up?”
Rajiv wiped her tears with his fingers. “Only positive thoughts, okay? He will be fine.”
She looked at him. “Aren’t you mad at me?”
“Why? Because you fell in love?”
“Because I fell in love withhim.”
Rajiv gave her a warm smile. “Does he love you?”
“Navya, we don’t choose who we fall in love with. It… happens. Of course, I would have preferred anyone but an Oshnov for you. But I have faith that you wouldn’t have fallen for him if he was vile or evil, and as long as he loves you and is good to you, then I guess, I’ll be okay with it. But if he hurts you, then I will destroy him. The only reason I have left Mihir alone so far isbecause Ananya blames herself for what went wrong with them, and Mihir has made it amply clear that he wants nothing to do with her. I’m good with that. I only want my sisters to be happy, you know. And while I do not like Armaan, I am willing to give him a chance. For your sake.”
He held another arm out to Ananya, who had been silently watching them. She came running to him as well. He hugged both of them together, kissing each of their foreheads. “I love you all, and I am proud of each one of you. There is nothing I wouldn’t do for you girls.”
Her heart swelled with respect for her brother. He was the best. Armaan had told her that one day, she’d be telling her brother about him. He’d been so confident of them being together even that early into their relationship. God, she was such an idiot. Why had she resisted loving him for so long? If she’d done things differently, then she’d be telling her brother about him in much more favorable conditions than now. She sniffed through her tears.
“But Navya,” he made a face, “Seriously? Armaan Oshnov? Why him?” He shook his head. “To tell you the truth, I was furious when Ananya told me you were involved with Armaan. I thought he had forced you or something worse. Only when she convinced me that he tried to protect you last night and that you are in love with him did I calm down enough to think rationally.”
Navya sniffed. “I’m so sorry for keeping this a secret. I was so stupid to do that.”
Rajiv led them both to some chairs. Turning one to face both of them, he seated himself on it and said, “Now, tell me everything from the beginning, and don’t leave anything out.”
From behind them, Dmitri approached. “Do you mind if I listen?”
Rajiv arched a brow. Navya explained who he was to Rajiv. At Rajiv’s nod, she took a deep breath and began explainingeverything, right from four years ago to how she’d reacted to Armaan the first time she’d met him, to the deal they’d made, and then four years later to how she’d met him again at his party, leading up to tonight. The only thing she skimmed over was that she’d been sleeping with Armaan for the last few weeks. That was something she never wanted to discuss with her brother, ever.
However, Ananya had no such qualms. “You missed telling him the part that you’re sleeping with Armaan.”
Rajiv’s brows shot up. “Okay, way too much info.”
“What is wrong with you, Ananya?” Navya gasped.
“Oh, please. He’s too smart not to have figured it out by himself.”
“That doesn’t mean you had to tell him. Why couldn’t you just stay quiet? Why are you enjoying this so much? I thought you didn’t like Armaan.”
“That was before he tried to save you from those men.”
Navya’s eyes filled with tears as the reality of her situation hit her. Armaan was still lying unconscious in the ICU, and she didn’t know if he would awaken or not.
“Hey,” Ananya put an arm around her. “Sorry. I didn’t mean to upset you.”
Navya shook her head. “I love him so much. I won’t be able to live without him.”
Rajiv held her hands. “He will be fine. I’m going to speak to the doctors.” He looked at Dmitri. “I noticed a lot of security guards around. Mihir’s, I assume.”
At the butler’s nod, Rajiv said. “As of now, I don’t trust anyone, so I’m going to get my own security in as well. At least until Mihir returns.”
“Suit yourself, but Mihir only employs the best,” Dmitri replied.
Rajiv’s face hardened. “And yet someone knew that Armaan was going to be at my nightclub, and they knew to corner him in the parking lot that is meant only for VIPs. So, forgive me if I don’t trust anyone. My sister is involved with Armaan, which means that her life may be in danger too.”
Something niggled at the back of her mind. Her brows knitted. There was something she was missing. Something that felt crucial. A doctor came toward them, and she lost her train of thought.