“Yes, that!” Rehana clicked her fingers. “Exactly that!”
Wait, what? Navya’s brows hit her hairline. In front of her, Lavina chuckled.
“But he never showed interest in me…” Rehana’s gaze latched on Navya. “He looks besotted with you, though, so you must know how to get and keep a man’s attention on you. Tell me, how can I get my man to focus on me?”
Oh God. So many thoughts were flying in Navya’s brain. The loudest one was:He’s a God in between the sheets.
Fuck. A shiver rolled down her. Images of him and her on a bed, naked, their bodies entwined, moving, thrusting, swamped her brain. Lust slammed her. She forced the images to the back of her brain. She was in the middle of a meeting and thinking lewd thoughts of Armaan, who she realized angrily hadn’t made a single move to touch her in the last whole week other than to correct her form when he was training her. Even though they ate breakfast together, he made it a point to avoid physical contact with her. Why though? Why was he resisting her? And how stupid was she that she figured that out only right now? She’d been so busy enjoying her time with him that being physical with him hadn’t even crossed her mind. But now that the thought had occurred, it stuck.
Navya looked up and found all the women in the room watching her closely.
“So, what is your advice?” Rehana probed.
Navya tried to make her throat work, but no sound came out. Oh God, what was she to reply to that? She had no idea what she’d done to snag Armaan’s attention. Zero clue. But how could she explain her situation with him to Rehana, who was looking at her expectantly?
Navya finally cleared her throat and said, “Uh, you should… seduce him?”
She sounded unsure to her own ears. From her side, Lavina snorted. At Navya’s glare, she pressed her lips together, but Navya could see her trying to control her laughter. To be fair, Navya didn’t blame her. Her assistant was well aware of theirony of the situation. Navya had zero experience in seduction, and here she was advising someone else on it.
“Yes,” Navya said more confidently. “Seduce him. I’m sure for someone as hot and sexy as you, it will be easy to do.”
God, please let her not ask for details. Because there was nothing more Navya could add here.
Perhaps, she ought to take her own advice and try to seduce Armaan. But how? She chewed her lip. Google, yes! She could do her research on this. Google had an answer to everything.
“Hmm. Seduce him?” Rehana’s brow creased. Then she clicked her fingers in excitement. “I can do that. Good idea, Navya. I think I’ll wear something sexy tonight… And then, I’ll…”
“Let’s discuss your outfit for the Tiffany brunch next week first,” Navya cut in. The last thing she needed was to know this woman’s plans to seduce her boyfriend. No, thank you. Her experience with celebrities already gave her way too much useless information about them. But the worst was listening to their sexual escapades. That was something she avoided listening to as much as she could. And this situation was definitely one that could be avoided. She turned her iPad to Rehana to show her the outfits she had chosen. The faster Navya finished with Rehana, the quicker she could get to researching her own seduction plan.
Excitement bubbled inside her. Yes, she was going to seduce Armaan Oshnov. And the man considered to be a God in between the sheets wouldn’t know what had hit him once she was done seducing him.
Oh, she was so ready for this.
“Alright, this is enough for today,” Armaan said, removing the boxing pads.
Navya had arrived right on time in the morning, as she had since the last two weeks. As each day passed, she looked less worried and smiled more. The two of them had settled into a comfortable routine every morning where they practised for an hour, then took a shower, separately of course, and then had breakfast together. Navya definitely looked more relaxed around him. She spoke to him easily and communicated openly with him. He was glad that she was coming to terms with their arrangement.
To make things easier, he had ensured that Mihir wasn’t around in the gym at the same time as them. He’d informed Mihir about this new situation with Navya that very first night over dinner, and although Mihir wasn’t happy about it, he had relented to it. Armaan hadn’t given him a choice in the matter. Which meant that the gym was blissfully empty for Navya and him to use in the foreseeable future. Navya removed her gloves and tossed them to the side.
“I’m going to do some stretches,” she intoned, eyes sparkling.
He took a steadying breath. This had become the new norm for her and a time of extreme torture for him. Look away, he told himself, look away. But his eyes, as usual, stopped listening to him when she started doing her stretches. They chose to remain glued on her.
Linking her hands, Navya raised them above her head, her gaze intent upon him. Dressed as she was in a hot pink halter tank top that exposed her midriff and those skin-tight black tracks, she was his very own wet dream come true. Her breasts jutted out in that pose, and his breath stuttered. Fuck, she was sexy and willy.
She knew that all her daily stretches were enticing him, that all the sexy tops and tight yoga pants she wore were seducing him into breaking his self-imposed rule of staying away from her. He’d decided to move forward physically with her only when he was certain that she genuinely liked him, that she truly felt more than physical desire for him.
Like he’d told her before, he didn’t want to be a notch on her bedpost—someone she’d fuck and forget about. No. He wanted her to accept loudly and clearly that she liked him, which she still refused to do. They joked about it often, and she brushed it off every single time.
At times, he wondered why he craved her acceptance. He hadn’t cared about this with any other woman before her. But with her, it just seemed important that she gave in to him wholeheartedly.
Catching him ogling her, she arched a brow. “Do you like what you see?”
“I think you know the answer to that,” he breathed out.
“Then why are you so set upon resisting me?”