“Are you sure Mrs. Braganza and the other caretakers from the orphanage are safe?” Vedant asked Armaan.
“Yes,” he responded. “Mrs. Braganza has moved to Mumbai, and the others have returned to their villages where they have family. They are safe.”
“Good,” Mihir said.
Vedant nodded.
Armaan looked at his brothers—his chosen family. They had risen from the ashes of poverty and achieved success, together. They were each other’s support system, and Armaan couldn’t even imagine a life without the two of them. Ever since they’d learned that Karina wasn’t with Dorab, as they had assumed her to be, each of them had been feeling guilty of having succeeded and living a good life, while the fate of their sister was undetermined. The fact that she was even alive was… uncertain. No. He wasn’t going to think like that. Mihir was right. Karina was alive and they were going to find her.
Vedant sighed. “I hate to be the bearer of more bad news, but this morning, I’ve learned that Ivan is up to something. He’s planning to create complications for us during the shareholder meeting we have next week. I believe he’s been talking to some of the directors.”
Armaan shared a worried look with Mihir. “I thought that bastard was satisfied after you gave him ten million dollars and the home in Leningrad.”
“Greed, apparently, has no bounds.” Mihir scratched his cheek, the one that was marked by a thin, long white scar. “Ivan believes he’s been cheated out of his inheritance. He was, after all, Alexander’s nephew and his only living blood relative. He’s always believed that we’ve stolen what was due to him.”
“Well, he’s finally voicing out his displeasure loudly,” Vedant said, “and to anyone ready to listen.”
“Fucker never liked us,” Armaan said. “And after Alexander left everything to us, with only some minor shares to him, he hates us even more. We ought to have expected this from him. He was always a good-for-nothing loser, which is why Alexander didn’t leave him control of O-Corp.”
“Why now, though?” Vedant asked. “He’s been quiet for the last five years.”
“Possibly because the bastard expected us to fail,” Armaan said. “That we’d make a mess of O-Corp, and hence the board would kick us out, and he’d gain control of the business. As if.”
“Exactly,” Mihir concurred. “Too bad for him that failure is not a word in any of our dictionaries.”
“Looks like he’s finally woken up to that fact,” Vedant said. “I don’t have a good feeling about him.”
“This is a big fucking headache,” Mihir said. “We all need to be cautious. He’s a loose cannon… always has been.”
“I’ll try and see what I can learn about his plans for the meeting for now,” Vedant said. “This is a fucking headache, indeed. Our plates are already too full, and now we have this.”
“I’ll keep track of Dorab and hope he leads us to Karina,” Armaan said, finishing his drink. He rose and poured himself another one. When he returned to his seat, he found Vedant watching him carefully.
Armaan threw an agitated hand in the air. “What? What have I done now?”
“Youneed to be extra careful.”
“Why me?” Armaan queried.
“Because you’re wild, unpredictable, and take risks when you shouldn’t,” Vedant replied.
Armaan made a face at him.
“He’s right, brother,” Mihir said. “You need to be careful, and now since we know that Ivan is up to something, you need to stay under the radar a bit, which means less partying. I need you to be safe at all times.”
“Thanks for the vote of confidence, both of you,” Armaan shook his head irritably. “I can look after myself, as you both well know. Besides, you’re advising me to cut down on my partying when there’s literally a party happening outside on our lawns.”
“Our house is heavily guarded, and it’s safe,” Mihir said. “I’m talking about when you go out to some new haunt in whichever city you’re in and return only in the morning.”
“Oh, and let’s not forget all the women,” Vedant added. “All those random hookups need to stop.”
“God, yes,” Mihir concurred. “In the end, it’ll always be a woman who’ll get you in trouble. You need to sober up and keep it in your pants. Are you capable of doing that?”
Vedant barked out a laugh. The idiot was having way too much fun on his account.
“Aww. Don’t be jealous of my sex drive,” Armaan drawled. “I could hook you both up with stunning women. Just say the word.”
“Ugh, no,” Vedant protested. “I’m happy finding my own women. Unlike you, I have taste.”