It was all sorts of naughty and thrilling. Even now, thinking of Armaan’s mouth on hers, his body moving over hers, shot a dart of pleasure down her skin.
“Stop smiling, Navya,” Ananya fumed.
“You’ve got it bad for him!” Reina laughed. “What are you going to do about it?”
“I don’t know. It’s not like I’ve had time to internally process what just happened with him. I surely hadn’t planned it. But fuck, he’s so hot. And so damn good looking. And when touches me… I cannot even explain what takes over my mind and body.”
“It’s called lust, dear sister!” Reina giggled. “You’re in lust with him.”
Ananya crossed her arms on her chest. “I hope it’s just that, and you’re not foolishly thinking it’s love.”
Navya rolled her eyes. “God, no. I hardly know him.”
“Good,” Ananya said. “Because love is overrated. Trust me, I know.”
“I think you should just fuck him and get him out of your system…” Reina giggled again. “You’ve never lusted after any man before him. So just do him and then get him out of your life.”
“What?” Navya gulped. She couldn’t believe her baby sister was so casually advising her to sleep with Armaan.
“Are you mad?” Ananya yelled. “Am I the only one here who remembers that the Oshnovs are dangerous?”
“They are dangerous,” Reina agreed. “Su Min, my friend whose boyfriend invited us to their party, said that whoever pisses them off simply disappears and is never seen again. Apparently, they’re bad to their enemies, but they’re not bad people in general.”
“Fuck. That statement is so bloody wrong,” Ananya said. “Mihir has become this cold, heartless monster, one I don’t recognize anymore. And I cannot and will not allow my ownsister to get involved with his brother.Hisbrother, Navya. Have you not learned anything from me? Armaan is already border-line obsessed with you, and he’s the most notorious in that trio. God only knows what will happen once you sleep with him. What if you want to end it and he doesn’t? What if you fall in love with him?”
“I will not, under any condition, fall in love with him,” Navya declared. “You know I don’t believe in love. Thanks to Mr. Gautam Singh, my birth father, I lost faith in that years ago. And then there’s you.”
“I’m an exception…” Ananya gentled her tone. “A one-off case of unrequited love. That doesn’t mean Reina and you won’t find someone to love. Besides,ourparents are a true example of love, and now, we have Rajiv and Sheena, too, who are so crazy in love. I don’t want you both to be disillusioned because of a few wrong examples. Having said that, Armaan Oshnov is not the guy you fall in love with, and that’s why you’re going to end whatever it is that is going on with him.”
When Navya remained silent, Ananya dug the point in. “Rajiv will blow a fuse if he finds out you’re even considering having an affair with Armaan. And Mom and Dad… Oh my God, Navya, what are you thinking?”
“Whoa!” Navya held her hands up. “No one is telling Rajiv or Mom and Dad anything, okay?”
Her parents would be so disappointed in her. And Rajiv would definitely blow a fuse. She didn’t want any of them involved. Rajiv was enjoying a happy vacation with his wife and kids in Mumbai, and her adopted parents were happy enjoying their time in Mumbai as well. None of them deserved to be dragged into her life choices, whatever they may be. Knowing Rajiv, he’d leave everything and come running back to Dubai if he learned of her interest in Armaan.
Ananya lifted her chin. “If you continue on this path, then I will tell Rajiv. Break it up with Armaan, Navya. If you were thinking rationally without lust clouding your brain, you’d agree that I am right.” She stood. “Tell me you will.”
Navya was saved from replying when Reina said, “Chill, Ananya. Let her have some fun.”
“I’m serious, both of you,” Ananya said, her tone seething with fury. “This is not happening; I won’t let it happen. Don’t even think of crossing me on this.”
She gave Navya a last look before she stormed out of her office.
“Has she left?” Reina asked. At Navya’s nod, she added, “I can’t believe she gave you an ultimatum. It’s so unlike her.”
Navya sighed. “I’ve never seen her this mad.”
“So, what are you going to do?”
“Honestly, I don’t quite know.”
“Well, sister, I have to report to work soon, so whatever you do, please ensure you’re safe and that your heart isn’t involved.”
With that message, Reina hung up. Navya looked through the window of her office, thinking. The more she met Armaan, the more of a temptation he was becoming. Either she had to tell him to leave her alone in no uncertain terms, or she’d have to rebel against her sister and have an affair with him. The latter option was so bloody tempting.
Lavina popped her head in, informing her that her next client was waiting for her. The rest of the day went by in meetings, attending calls, making schedules, planning wardrobes, and responding to emails. Only once she was home and in bed was she able to ponder over the enormous decision she had to make. She tossed and turned, feeling restless.
She checked her phone and found an unread message from Armaan. He’d sent her a location pin with a text.