Page 29 of Addiction

“I have to go,” she exhaled, feeling overwhelmed with everything.

He smiled. “Running away again?”

She lifted her chin. “Why would I need to run away?”

“Perhaps, because you’re afraid to accept that you feel something for me.” He grazed the back of his hand down her cheek.

She shivered.

He cocked an eyebrow.

“That was nothing.” She backed a step. “Just a blast of cold air.”

He shrugged. “Keep fooling yourself,moya milaya. We both know that your body and mind are raging a battle. Your mind is winning so far. I’ll wait till your body decides it has had enoughand takes over, because it will take over one day soon. No matter how hard you fight, you will end up in my bed.”

More shivers cascaded down her. A dam of desire burst inside her. Armaan gave her a sultry look that scalded her skin. She backed a step and then another until she was flying out of the banquet hall. She heaved a sigh of relief only when she was finally seated in her car.

Her phone pinged. It washim.

“You are mine, moya milaya. And I am going to make you mine.”

Her heart rate escalated further. Armaan Oshnov was a blazing hot inferno, and nothing good happened to anyone who played with fire. It only ended in you getting burned. She would resist him. She had to. The absolute last thing she needed was to be a victim of his flames. No matter how pleasurable getting singed by him would be...


Armaan went straight to his study the second he entered his house. The study in all their homes was like a common room for the three of them. They ended up there on most nights to have a nightcap and to catch up on the events of the day, or at times, to simply sit in silence. It was perhaps one of the few places in the house where even their staff had restricted access. Tonight, it was just Mihir and him. After London, the three of them had gone to Russia for their shareholder meeting. Just this afternoon, Mihir and he had returned to Dubai while Vedant had gone back to London to complete an important business transaction.

As expected, Mihir was seated in the study, drinking vodka and looking at the rolling waves of the sea through the glass doors. They needed to talk, and that’s why Armaan had sought him out. Armaan had information that he needed to share with his brothers.

Mihir looked up. “Where have you been?” His brother’s Russian was definitely more pronounced after spending the last week in Moscow.

Armaan gave him a naughty grin. “Hello, brother. As you can see, I was out.”

Mihir leaned forward in his armchair. “You were with her, weren’t you?”


Mihir studied him in that quiet, cool way of his. He had always been too reserved and never voiced his displeasure openly. But the glacial looks he sent him were enough for Armaan to know when his brother was mad at him. And judging from that added tick in Mihir’s jaw, he was hopping mad indeed.

Armaan exhaled. When he’d decided to pursue Navya, he’d done so, knowing that Mihir wouldn’t approve of it. But this was his life, and for the first time, he was craving a woman this badly even though he barely knew her. Just because that woman happened to be the sister of Mihir’s nemesis wouldn’t stop Armaan. Like he’d messaged Navya some time ago, she was his, and he was going to claim her soon. She and he were going to happen; he felt it in his bones. He also knew that she’d make him work for it, and he was going to enjoy every minute of it.

Before Navya, he’d never had to chase a woman, but pursuing her was a thrill like no other. Being with her was exhilarating. It was a high he never wanted to come down from. Like a drug, he was beginning to crave his next fix of her. Seeing her tonight, looking absolutely stunning in that golden sari, had confirmed that. Not only was she beautiful, she was also smart, witty, and fiercely protective about her family. Everything about her resonated within him.

He liked that she kept him on his toes, waiting and wondering what she’d say or do next. He enjoyed seeing her skin flush when he teased her. He loved the way her pupils dilated and how those soft breaths escaped her pouty lips when they were close. He even loved the way she rolled her eyes when she was annoyed.

He loved how stunningly innocent she was. The more he met her, the more he was becoming certain of this fact. Her reactions to him were all so simple and basic, like she was unable to hide what she felt around him. His heart stuttered. Fuck, he barely knew her, and already he was getting addicted to her.

Even thinking about her made him feel alive. Like a powerful magnet, she was drawing him to her, making it harder for him to leave her side. He wanted to be with her and understand why she affected him so deeply. He wanted to hear her laugh and be the one making her laugh and smile. He wanted to do a hundred different things to her in bed. Bloody hell, he was losing his mind.

He focused on Mihir, who was still watching him carefully. Armaan took off his jacket and folded the sleeves of his shirt up to his elbows before sitting on the sofa.

Mihir poured vodka into another glass and handed it to him.

“You need to be careful, Armaan.” Mihir drank his shot. “I worry that you will get hurt.”

Armaan downed his vodka. It was smooth and strong, just how he liked it. “Why do you think I’ll get hurt?”

“Because I’ve never seen you so impatient while at work. Because I’ve never seen you so restless like you’ve been the past week. You were so damn jumpy the whole time we were in Russia. Like you couldn’t wait to leave. We returned home just this afternoon, and already you had plans to go see her.”