So, she’d taken the opportunity he’d given her to return outside, and she was going to do everything in her power to escape him—and his scent, his laughter, and his provocative words. None of which she liked. They definitely didn’t impacther. Yes. Escaping from the Oshnovs’ party was going to be her mission for the rest of the night.
Armaan led her outside the house, with one of his bodyguards following them, and guided her to the elevated VIP section. The music was louder here. She spotted his brothers immediately. Both of them halted the conversation they were having on seeing them together. While Vedant had that knowing smile on his face, Mihir looked mad, like he wanted to physically remove her from Armaan’s side. Jerk! What was his problem? Couldn’t he see that Armaan wasn’t letting her go? Yet, Mihir stood there glaring at her as if it was her fault that his brother was rebelling against him. She flicked her gaze away from him. This was not her drama. In fact, she didn’t even want to be a part of this drama. Armaan, however, looked like he was enjoying it way too much. He gave his brothers a cheerful wave and took her to a seating area around a center table filled with a variety of alcohol bottles and mixers.
A cool breeze drifted over her, making her shiver again. Before she could blink, Armaan had removed his overcoat and wrapped it around her.
When she resisted, he said, “Don’t argue. That flimsy suede coat you have on is useless against the British winter. It’s only going to get chillier as the night progresses. Do you need the heater to be brought closer?”
“No… I mean, this is fine. But won’t you feel cold?”
“I’m used to Russian winters that are way harsher than this.”
She settled into the coat. It was way too big and dragged on the ground but it warmed her instantly. She inhaled, and Armaan’s scent washed over her. Oud and leather. So delicious. Shit. Stay in control, Navya, she scolded herself.
“What would you like to drink?” he checked “We have whiskey, gin, and vodka, of course.”
She scowled. He was behaving like they were on a date. They weren’t. However, she had to get this over with and quickly.
“I’ll have a Diet Coke,” she replied.
“You don’t drink?”
“I do, but right now, I fancy a Diet Coke.”
“Of course, you’d rather have your wits about you while dealing with me.” He smirked. “I get it completely.”
Damn him. How did he manage to read her so correctly every single time? Was her face that readable?
“Will you stop behaving like you have me all figured out?” she said.
He tilted his head. His eyes slowly coasted over her from top to toe, making her feel hot and flustered. But she remained still. She would prove to him that he didn’t affect her in the least. That was the only way he’d leave her alone.
“I haven’t figured out all of you yet,” he drawled, “but I wait for the day I figure out every inch of you,moya tigritsa.”
Oh God. Desire unfurled in her belly, making her skin tighten and her lips tingle. No other man drew these reactions from her. However, for some annoying reason, Armaan was the only one who managed to push all her buttons, both emotionally and physically. Just being near him and breathing his scent made her heart beat erratically. But she’d never admit that to him ever. She’d mask her reactions to him, always.
“Can you stop calling me that?” she snapped.
“Why? You are wild, catty, ferocious, and unpredictable. My nickname suits you perfectly.Moya tigritsa.My tigress.”
“Ugh, you’re so annoying.”
“Yeah, sure. That’s the main aim ofmylife—to keep you annoyed, and hence entertained byme.”
A smile slipped out of her. Armaan touched a corner of her mouth gently.
“There it is, that beautiful smile I’ve been waiting for.” He tilted his head, his gaze on her lips. “This is the first time I’m making you smile. Let me cherish it for a second longer.”
Her heart stuttered. Shit. She was not getting charmed by him. She so wasn’t.
His lips curved. “See, you are beginning to like me, no?”
“You wish.”
He laughed; the sound was rich and raspy, and it melted her insides.
She looked to the side, then at the railing in front and walked to it. He followed her and handed her the Diet Coke.
He held his own shot of vodka up. “Na zdorovye. To health.”