Page 114 of Addiction

“Everything we went through was because it was meant to be that way. But we are together now, forever.” He kissed her lips. “Now come on, your family is waiting, and I am hungry.”

“And the faster we are done, the faster we can go home, and I get to make love to my fiancé.”

His smile lit up his face. Pulling her closer, he kissed her again, and she wrapped her arms around his neck. Everyone could wait a little bit. She needed some more time with the man she loved.


Three weeks later

“Alright, Mihir,” Armaan said. “Show us. Vedant, are you ready?”

He, Mihir and Navya were seated in their study, and Vedant was connected to the TV screen via a conference call. Armaan was finally ready to see Karina’s picture. Navya had convinced him to let go of his guilt and anxiety and move forward.

“Yes, I’m finally okay with doing this as well,” Vedant said. Armaan studied Vedant carefully. His brother looked better, though he still hadn’t gained full use of his injured arm and leg. But Reina had assured Armaan just the previous night, during her daily phone call with Navya, that Vedant would recover.

Mihir clicked a button on his iPad, and the screen split into two. Vedant was on one side and an old photograph rendered on the other. Armaan gasped.

“This is the picture of her that Mrs. Braganza sent me,” Mihir explained.

Armaan stared at the image of a young Karina. She looked to be ten or twelve. His heart lurched. It had been years since he’d seen even a picture of her. Even though he had so many memories of her, of her laughter, of her smiles, of her playfulness, her teasing, her caring for them, they had become hazy over time. But this image reminded him of so much. They’d had so little then, and now, with God’s grace and the kindness of a wonderful man, they had been given a legacy—one they’d fight hard to keep. And through this benevolence granted upon them, they’d find her one day.

Navya wiped a tear from his eye. “Are you okay?”

He sniffed. “I’m fine.”

“Vedant, are you good, brother?” Mihir asked.

Vedant cleared his throat, clearly overcome with emotion, just like Armaan was.

“This next one is the AI image I chose to search for her,” Mihir said. “I feel this resembles her the most.”

Mihir swiped on his iPad, and Armaan shot to his feet. The next picture was… it was… He had no words.

“This is… this is simply wow,” Armaan expressed. “It is such an amazing resemblance. I’m sure she looks like this now.”

“She’s so pretty,” Navya exclaimed, rising to stand beside Armaan. “I can’t wait to meet her.”

“You will, one day soon,” Mihir replied. “I have people searching the whole of India for her. Our team is going through databases, passport records, Aadhar card images, PAN card images, etc. There is a load of data to sift through, but we will find her.”

“Vedant, are you there?” Mihir asked. Vedant had moved from the screen.

Vedant returned. “Sorry, guys. I was a bit emotional for a moment. But Mihir, this is fabulous.”

“Yes, it is. But guys, all of us need to keep very quiet on the hunt for Karina. We cannot trust anyone with this knowledge.”

“Absolutely,” Vedant concurred.

“Yes,” Armaan accepted. When Mihir faced Navya, she gave him a nod.

“Is there an update on Ivan?” Vedant asked.

“Our team wasn’t able to locate him in Poland,” Mihir said. “We combed through his possible whereabouts, the ones that we got from Vasily’s phone, but it was of no use. He’s vanished again. The two men in charge of attacking you and Armaan have also disappeared along with him.”

“They’ll all show up,” Armaan said. “Ivan will resurface with another plan, I’m sure.”

“We will be prepared this time,” Mihir said.

Vedant’s face hardened. “Yes, we will.”