Page 112 of Addiction

“About what?” Armaan asked, looking confused.

“Whether to give you a hug and accept you like my parents did or to continue giving you a hard time for how you behaved with her in the past.”

Rajiv put an arm around Ananya’s shoulders. “I think you and I together will give him a hard time for the rest of his life. What say?”

“Rajiv,” Navya clucked her tongue. “Not you too.”

“Brilliant idea,” Ananya concurred.

“But we will give him some brownie points for teaching Navya to fight so well,” Rajiv said.

“Just a few,” Ananya said, eyes twinkling with laughter.

Armaan looked heavenward.

“Well,” Sheena said, handing her daughter to her father, “while you both contemplate on how to deal with him, I’m going to give him a hug and welcome him into our madness.”

Sheena enveloped Armaan in a hug. “You’re a part of us now, and you will learn that we love hard and protect each other always.”

“Works for me,” Armaan replied with a happy smile.

“Welcome to our world!” Rajiv shook Armaan’s hand.

“Thank you.”

“I believe Navya’s decided to move in with you,” Rajiv said.

“Honestly, I’ll sleep better knowing she’s with me and it will be safer for everyone.”

“Alright,” Rajiv said. “My parents weren’t too happy about it, but they’ll come around. I’ll ensure it.”

“Thank you,” Armaan told him.

“I trust your bodyguard has been taken care of,” Rajiv checked.

“Yes, he will never bother us again.”

“Good. What about your cousin?”

“By now, he must have known that he failed. He will hide for some days, and plot again, I’m certain. We will be ready this time.” He looked at Navya. “We have so much more to protect now.”

“Just remember, I’m here if you need me,” Rajiv said.

“Thank you, Rajiv.” Navya kissed her brother’s cheek. “Having you in our corner means the world to both of us. We are stronger because of you.”

“I second that,” Armaan said.

Rajiv smiled. Shiven tugged on Navya’s hand, pointing at Armaan. “Who’s he?”

Laughing, she lifted her nephew off the ground. Seeing her brother get all the attention, Nia raised her hands at Armaan.

“Do you mind if I take her?” Armaan asked him.

Rajiv handed Nia to him.

“This darling boy is Shiven,” Navya said. “And that princess is Nia. Shiven, Nia, say hi to your Uncle Armaan.”

“Hi.” Shiven stared at Armaan.