Page 50 of Addiction

“Coffee, lots of milk, no sugar.”

He nodded to the staff and they left. He prepared her coffee as she’d instructed and handed her the cup before pouring his own. She saw he took it black with no sugar.

He looked lost in thought. There was something bothering him from their previous conversation. She’d heard the pause in his voice earlier, but for now, she chose not to probe. Anyway, the moment was gone, and she had many other questions to ask. Her curiosity about him had no bounds.

“Why weren’t any of you adopted before, you know…” She spread a hand out. “Before Alexander Oshnov. Weren’t you well in your teens when he took you in?”

“It was just destiny that none of us got adopted as babies.” Armaan looked into the distance. “As we grew older, we promised one another that we’d always be together. Hence, whenever a couple came for adoption, we would purposely behave mischievous or get into a fight with one another. No one wanted to adopt a very naughty child, and hence they didn’t. There were times when we hid also,” he smiled, lost in his memories. “The head matron, Mrs. Braganza, had a soft corner for the four of us, and she soon realized we didn’t want to be separated, so she stopped parading us when someone came in for adoption.”

Her brows knitted in confusion. “You said four.”

His face shut down. “I made a mistake. I meant three.”

She studied him for a moment. “What are you hiding, Armaan?” At his silence, she said. “You just told me that we need to be honest for this to work.”

He remained silent for a long moment before he spoke. “What I’m about to tell you is very private and confidential.”

“Go on.”

His gaze turned serious. “Actually, we have a sister, Karina. She’s lost, and we are trying to locate her.”

Her eyes widened. No wonder he had frozen earlier when he’d spoken of his brothers. “That wasn’t mentioned in any article I read on you all.”

“It’s not something we talk about.” He looked beyond her. “Until recently, we thought she’d run away with someone and didn’t want to be found, but new evidence suggests that he may have sold her off or that she ran away from him and is now either hiding or is living in fear of him. But we will find her soon and be reunited with her one way or the other.”

“And you’re sure she’s alive?”

“We have no option but to believe that.”

She understood his hope and his belief. She caught his hand. “Then I hope you find her, and I hope she’s safe.”

“Thank you,” he smiled. “Now, my turn.”

“Hey, I’m not done yet.”

She tried to pull her hand from his, but he held firm.

“Alright, ask,” he said.

“Where did you meet Alexander? How did the richest man in the world decide one day that he wanted to adopt the three of you? There is no information anywhere on that.”

He smiled. “That is a story for another day,moya milaya. Right now, I want to know about you and your family.”

She looked into her cup. “Mom and Dad are great, the best, actually. Mom inherited Poseidon from her father. She helmed it for a very long time until Rajiv took over. Dad was an accountantwho decided that one of them needed to be a full-time parent, and hence, he was always there for his kids.”

“That is wonderful.”

“He is wonderful.”

Armaan caressed the top of her hand. “I believe your mom still sits on the board of Poseidon.”

“Yeah, although she’s retired now. She and Dad are very happy traveling and living between Mumbai and Dubai. They head several charities and enjoy socializing with their set.”

“And Rajiv and Sheena have two kids now?”

“Yeah!” she beamed. “Shiven’s three and Nia’s fourteen months old. They’re adorable. We’re all so besotted by them.”

“How nice…” Armaan smiled. “I like kids.”