“I’m glad that’s over,” Mihir said, sounding relieved. “We can go back to living a tad bit normally, at least. But the threat is far from over. We still need to be careful. I’ll check Vasily’s phone and see what I can get from it. If Ivan is in Poland, then we have to find him immediately. I’ll also double up our efforts in searching for Karina, now that we know he’s also looking for her.”
“I remember you mentioning you got an old photo of hers.”
“Yes, Mrs. Braganza sent me an old picture of hers. The AI team I hired has given me a few options of what she may look like now.”
“You know, I have this ache in my chest concerning her—there’s this huge guilt that we failed her…” Armaan breathed out. “Seeing her picture will just multiply that pain. I’m not ready to see it yet. But I will soon. Now, I just want to go to Navya.”
“We all have failed her. All three of us,” Mihir said softly. “But we will find her, and that too, before Ivan does. That is a promise. Our family will be complete again. But now, go to your woman. You deserve every bit of happiness, brother.”
“And so do you, brother,” Armaan said. “You’ve been alone for far too long.”
“Not all love stories end in a happily ever after,” Mihir replied. “Some love stories become a war, and I’ve been avoiding one for years. And now, I have to double up my efforts because of Navya and you.”
There was only one woman Mihir had ever loved, and who he believed had betrayed him. That betrayal had, unfortunately, transformed his love to hate.
“Go, Armaan,” Mihir said, preventing any further discussion on the topic. “I’m sure Navya is waiting for you.”
With a last nod to his brother, Armaan climbed into a waiting car and drove to Navya’s house. They had a long journey ahead of them to be completely free of their burdens, but for now, he just wanted to hold her and never let go.
Navya paced the front entrance of her home. It was late evening now, and she was waiting for Armaan. She opened the door as soon as she heard his footsteps and leapt into his arms. God, he was finally with her. Armaan held her tight, refusing to let go of her. What an ordeal they’d endured. Finally, they were safe from at least any immediate threat.
He lifted his head. “Are you alright?”
He palmed her face. “I was so scared, Navya. You were with him and…”
She pressed her hand to his mouth. “I am safe. We both are.”
“You are the bravest woman I know. I am so proud of the way you handled yourself. Your idea to make a call through your watch was outstanding. The way you made him speak throughout was brilliant.”
“I’m just glad it’s over.” Navya held his hand. “Come on in. My parents want to meet the man I want to marry.”
She turned, tugging him forward. When he didn’t move, she swirled. “What happened?”
His mouth opened and closed. “You said marry.”
“Well, yeah,” she frowned, “Don’t you want to marry me?”
“I was going to propose today, once we reached home.”
“I thought we already established that you’re not living away from me. My home is your home now.”
“Well then, we better make it official first and then tell my family that I’m moving in with you.” She put her arms around him. “Armaan Oshnov, I love you. I didn’t know I was waiting for you. I didn’t know I needed you in my life. You came like a storm and carried me away with you. I can’t imagine a life without you. So, will you marry me and make me the happiest woman alive?”
Armaan chuckled. “I can’t believe I am getting proposed to by a girl who took the longest to admit that shelikesme.”
She made a face. “Really? You’re making me wait for your answer?”
“What was the question?” Mischief sparkled in his eyes. The eyes that she loved so much. “I didn’t hear it clearly.”
She laughed. “Armaan Oshnov, will you marry me?”
“Yes.” Lifting her in his arms, he twirled her round and round. “Yes.”