Page 12 of Sinner's Salvation

“The people who brought you here want to understand you.”

She gave him a look that would have cut glass. “Men have been trying to understand women for thousands of years. I highly doubt the people who kidnapped us are going to succeed where the rest of your sex has utterly failed.”

Heh, there was the sense of humor his grandfather mentioned. So sharp you didn’t know you’d been cut until your guts spilled out onto the ground.

“They want to understand why you aren’t dead.”

Her eyes narrowed before she spoke. “When a man says he wants to understand a woman, what he really needs is to know how to get her to do what he wants. The people who brought Mr. Stettler and I here want touseme, they don’t want to understand me.”

Evan sighed. “Are you saying no one uses you now?” he shook his head. “I would have a hard time believing it if you say no. Anyone with skills as rare as yours would be the object of interest to many.”

“That’s the problem, Mr. Gunn. I’m not an object. I’m a person. A person with diplomatic immunity who has been incarcerated illegally.”

Yeah, he figured that, given her station in her government. Gerry Ledger might have bitten off more than he could chew.

“That other guy told me, everyone thinks we’re dead,” Stettler said to Anna Breznik. He gestured at Evan. “This one isn’t going to care either.”

“Is that true?” Anna asked Evan.

He gave her, and whoever was watching this interaction, his charming smile. “I have only just arrived. Give me some time to find out a bit more information. I’ll return shortly.” He headed for the door, but paused on the threshold to ask, “Is there anything I can get for you while I’m out?”

Shit, he probably sounded like he was just going to pick up some milk at the grocery store.

“Perhaps some water?” Anna asked, with all the graciousness of royalty. “It has been some time since either of us has had a...drink, and both of us have lost blood.”

At that, Stettler sat up straight and stared at Anna, terror on his face. He shut it down fast enough, but Evan had seen it.

The kid knew exactly what Anna Breznik was, the same as he did.

A blood-sucking vampire.

Chapter Three

Anna watched as EvanderGunn closed the door and kept staring at it for several seconds after. She had to work to resist the urge to fan her face. She’d seen many beautiful men over the years, some elegant, others rough, but none radiated the power and danger Evander Gunn did.

His wide shoulders and height took up more room than physics should have allowed. Unlike most soldiers, his dark hair was cut to give him a rakish look, but it was his eyes that had punched all the air out of her lungs.