“That was the press,” he said, his tone harsher than she’d ever heard it so far.

“Why would they be taking pictures of us?” She tilted her head back so she could make eye contact with him. “Or was it you they were taking pictures of?”

“Me.” The corners of his lips had turned down, and his brows rode heavy over his eyes. “The explosion at the train station has been claimed as an act of terror by an anti-immigrant group. It’s big news, and all the media outlets have been trying to get statements from anyone involved.”

“Well, that’s irritating.”

He laughed, his body shaking with it. “Yes,” he said, looking down at her. “Very irritating.”

Wow. He was gorgeous when he smiled.

He was only a few inches away, his gaze warm on hers, and she had a sudden desire to close the distance between them and kiss him. Heat flared in his gaze, and he lowered his head a little, giving her the opportunity to back off.

She should retreat. It was the smart thing to do. This man was handsome and confident in a way that was intimidating. Ha, who was she kidding? She wasn’t in his league. It would be silly to kiss him. Reckless even.

Wasn’t that why she was here, to be a little reckless and silly? To find out who she really was and live every day like it was her last?

Anna lifted her face toward his, leaving the last inch between them his to cross.

His lips settled on hers, light and only for a second or two, but plenty long enough for a zing of desire to light up her body.

“Oh.” It came out a little shaky.

He lifted his head, his breathing deep and his eyes wide. “Was that a good oh or a bad oh?”

Her heart flipped over at the caring and careful question. “Good. Again, please?”

This time he kissed her with a smile on his mouth. His lips slid along hers, and his tongue swept across her bottom lip.

She opened her mouth and let him in, and he tasted delicious. His arms went around her, pressing her closer to him, and she wrapped her arms around his neck.

A large bump jostled them apart, and her face grew heated at their position with her halfway across his lap. She glanced down and noted an impressive erection tenting his pants.

“Maybe we should stop,” she said reluctantly.

“A wise suggestion,” he said, his voice husky. “For now.”

A glance at his face told her he was serious. His eyes were hooded and intent on her lips, and his hands stroked down her back to cup her butt before they released her.

Wow, he wanted her. How unexpected...and strange.

The car came to a stop. He exited the vehicle and extended his hand to help her out. The driver handed over her bag, but Zar took it before she could.

“Allow me,” he said, his gaze still as warm as it had been in the car.

She wasn’t used to his old-fashioned manners, but she was also too tired to argue.

He kept hold of her hand as they walked through a large foyer and past a bank of elevators and around a corner to a single elevator. Zar pushed the call button and they waited. A metal plaque on the wall next to the elevator read: l'appartement au dernier étage limité.

She nodded at it. “What does that mean?”

“Penthouse. Restricted.”

“We’re going to the penthouse?”


“You rented the penthouse?”