Anna shook her head. “No, Your Majesty.” She sighed. “I wish she’d told me herself. Finding out like this has been a shock.” She chuckled. “By the time I go home, I’m going to need a vacation to recover from my vacation.”

Not if your address changes to this one. Zar managed to keep the thought inside his head.

The queen fixed her hard stare on him. “Be cautious.”

“I will. There is a chance that we won’t be back until tomorrow, for a variety of reasons.”

“I may be in surgery for several hours,” Anna put in quickly.

The queen nodded. “Be careful, both of you.”

Zar took Anna’s hand, and they left. There were more people in the halls, police and some members of the Guard. The terrorists had started something they weren’t going to be able to finish.

When he and Anna reached the rear entry, they were asked by the police at the door for an itinerary. Zar told them about the hospital but left out anything after that.

“Sir, your vehicle will be guarded so it can’t be tampered with,” the officer told him.

“Thank you,” Zar said, then led Anna to the car and got her inside.

“Why do I feel like something changed in there?” Anna asked.

“Because something did.”