Zar waited. His friend looked even more serious than usual.
“She’s good for you. She’s a good leader, and she understands service to others.”
This was a surprise. “What’s brought this on?”
“I was outside the queen mother’s suite and heard some of the excitement.” Jean Paul met his gaze with clear eyes. “I haven’t seen you this happy in years.”
“Are you campaigning for me to propose to her?”
“She makes you happy,” he said again.
Zar looked at Anna, still talking on Jean Paul’s cell phone, a furrow between her brows. She glanced at him and flashed him a brief smile.
It warmed him deep inside and lightened the weight of responsibility riding his shoulders. She was strong, kind, and loving. When he imagined the rest of his life with her in it, all he felt was anticipation.
The question was, would she say yes if he popped the question? Her reaction to the press’s assertions that they were already engaged hadn’t been favorable.
Most women dreamed of meeting a prince and becoming a princess. Anna acted like it was a major pain in the ass.
Maybe it was. As Jean Paul said, she was completely committed to her work as a surgeon. No matter what other roles in life she took on, that was one she wouldn’t set aside.
Zar met Jean Paul’s gaze again. “She makes me very happy. Now I just have to figure out how to present myself as the ideal spouse.”
“You are a determined man, Your Highness,” Jean Paul said. “I have every confidence in your persuasive skills.”
He glanced past Zar and sidestepped to accept his phone from Anna. He nodded in a formal way to both of them. “I’ll bring around a bomb-less car to the rear door.”
“Thank you,” Anna said. She looked at Zar. “I may have to perform a second surgery on Luke.”
“What’s wrong with him?”
“He’s losing blood from somewhere. If his hemoglobin doesn’t stabilize, I’m going to have to find the leak and plug it.”
“Our surgeons aren’t up to the task?”
“Oh no, it’s not that, but I did participate in his first surgery, and they invited me to scrub in on this one, too.”
“Is he doing well otherwise?”
“He seems to be, but I want to see him for myself.” She winced. “I get kind of attached to some patients.”
“You’re a very good doctor.” He hugged her. “I’ll take you to the hospital.”
“Is that a good idea? Someone out there is trying to kill you. Maybe you should stay out of sight?”
“Anna,” he said, taking her hand and moving until his body touched hers. “This is a spur-of-the-moment trip, and all the cars have been checked for explosives.” He lowered his volume so no one could overhear him. “Besides, Grandmother ordered me to take you to a specific place as soon as possible. When you’re happy with Luke, we’ll go directly there.”
“What if the terrorists give up on the bombs and take up shooting?”
“Then I’m dead no matter what I do, but I refuse to allow these cowards any power over me or my decisions.”
She looked like she wanted to argue, but the queen approached them.
“Are you taking Anna to the hospital?”
He nodded.
“Good.” She gazed at Anna for a moment. “My mother sent me a message about your grandmother. You really didn’t know who she was?”