She crossed her arms over her chest. “No. Whatever it is you’re thinking, the answer is no.”
“You have no idea what I’m thinking.” He was thinking about how he could get her out of this room and somewhere private. Somewhere with a bed and a lock on the door. Somewhere no one would interrupt them.
“Zar,” his grandmother said with a tone of command in her voice. “You and Anna need to go on an errand for me.”
“What errand?”
“Anna will explain.” She turned to Anna and patted her hand. “It’s more than time to finish the story your grandmother started.”
There was an odd expression on his grandmother’s face. Joyful and sad at the same time.
Anna glanced at him, the wary suspicion had turned into certain knowing. “Shouldn’t we stay and explain things to the queen?”
“We can do that,” Brigette said. “And we thought Zar’s fake proposal was news. Wait until the country finds out that one of our noble houses outsmarted the Nazis.”
“Noble house?” Anna snorted. “I’d describe it as more of a mediocre shack.”
“How long will this errand take?” Zar asked. He had plans to make and terrorists to catch.
Anna looked at his grandmother, who gazed speculatively at the two of them.
His grandmother waved him over, so he leaned down.
“Take her to the hunting cabin,” she whispered.
Zar’s eyebrows rose, but she just smiled at him. What was she up to? He considered the plan to catch the traitor and the terrorists. Leaving suddenly without telling anyone else where they went might be the perfect lure.
He kissed his grandmother on the cheek, then took Anna by the hand and tugged. “Come on, I need to talk with you alone.”
“Sure you do,” Gabby said. “I’ll just bet talking is the only thing on your mind.”
He didn’t bother arguing as he pulled Anna out of the room.
They walked toward his suite. Jean Paul came out of it just before they reached the door.
“Your Highness,” Jean Paul said. “The queen wishes to speak with you again.”
“Tell her I’ll be there in five minutes.”
Jean Paul winced. “She was adamant about speaking to you as soon as possible.”
“Five minutes is as soon as possible.” Zar clapped him on the shoulder, slipped past him with Anna, and closed the door in his face.
Neither he nor Anna spoke until they heard the other man’s footsteps as he walked away.
Zar took in Anna’s beautiful features. He could hardly believe he’d met a woman who was even more beautiful on the inside than she was on the outside.
“What is it?” she asked, her tone soft.
“You are so lovely.” He cupped her face with one hand while the other slipped around her back and drew her close.
“Stop. You’re making me blush.”
He leaned down and kissed her. Her lips were luscious, and he took his time learning their shape all over again. “Every time I kiss you, you bowl me over.”
“Zar, wait, stop,” she said, pushing at his chest with both hands. “What is it you needed to do before we talk to your mom?”
He grinned at her. “To kiss you, of course.” He put action to the words. He coaxed and tempted until she wasn’t stiff and shaking anymore. “Better?”