“I don’t blame you in the slightest.” She glanced at him, her brows lowered. “But when do you get to just be you?”

“At home, with my family and close friends.”

She came to a stop in the middle of the car and looked at him with sad eyes. “It sounds horribly isolating.”

She cared; it was written on her face and posture. She cared and was concerned for him. Other than his family members, no woman had ever been troubled on his behalf.

He stepped closer and took her hands in his. “My life has always been this way. I chafed against the restrictions when I was younger and did a few things I wish I hadn’t, but I manage well enough now.” He leaned down to kiss her plump lips, a chaste, unhurried act that lit a fire in his belly. If they had been somewhere private, he’d show her how much her concern meant to him.

But they weren’t, so he lifted his head and whispered, “Thank you for caring about me.”

A blush worked its way up her cheeks. “You’re welcome.” She glanced away, the color in her face making her skin glow.

So beautiful.

Something hot and hard smacked him between the shoulder blades, knocking him and Anna to the floor. A low, rumbling bang followed by the high-pitched squeal of metal grinding against metal, and a deep shudder shook the car. No, not just the car, the whole train.

“What was that?” Anna asked, her eyes round. “What’s happening?”

“I don’t know.” He pulled her close and partially under his body.

The lights flickered and went out. The metallic shriek got louder, and the shudder beneath them turned into a full-fledged quake. Anna screamed as the movement of the car rolled them over, tossing them back and forth in the walkway.

“Hang on to something,” Zar ordered, pressing Anna close with one hand and latching onto the edge of the nearest doorway. The speed of the train began to slow, and they slid toward the front of the car.

“We’re derailing!” Anna screamed, wrapping both arms around his middle, clinging tightly.

Zar grabbed the opposite doorway and hung on with everything he had as inertia attempted to pitch them against the forward door.

The car rocked from side to side then turned on an angle, the screech of metal tearing and peeling away so loud it muffled all thoughts. A series of jarring stops jerked Zar’s hands away from the doorjambs he’d been holding onto, and they were rolled, along with parts of the seating around them, wiring, bits of wood, and other debris. Zar latched onto a beam that appeared stationary and hung on, Anna squeezing him tight enough to cut short his breath. He curved his body over hers to try to protect her from the falling debris.

Smoke, thick, acrid, and black, obscured sight. The smell of burning wood and plastic permeated the air. The car slid along, sparks flying as steel sections of the frame ground against stone. Debris rained down on them like hail from a massive storm.


He could hear the panic in her voice, the fear. “Don’t let go, Anna. I think it’s almost over.”

They continued to coast, the car seizing and coughing its last. Eventually, it came to rest, listing to one side, the roof all but gone in some places, the interior seats and walls uprooted and tossed together like salad.

Alarm bells clanged and mixed with a recorded voice. They echoed through the train tunnel, probably giving evacuation instructions, but their combination garbled the information, making it unintelligible.

Zar attempted to get up, but a weight pressed down on his back.

“Anna, are you all right?”

“I think so,” she answered, her voice shaking. “I’m not sure. Are you okay?”

“I seem to be intact, but something is holding me down. Can you see what it is?”

He felt her wiggle underneath him and realized she was bearing his full weight. He tried to lever himself up and away from her, but there was no give to whatever had landed against his back. At least it wasn’t crushing him.

“It’s so dark in here I can’t see anything,” she panted.

Zar shifted to one side; whatever it was pinning him down moved with him. “Any trouble breathing?”


“Good. I’m going to try to slide out from under this. I want you to move with me.”