“I want you,” he panted, closing his eyes briefly.
“I want you, too.” Georgia smiled, telling him with her eyes and smile that now was a good time.
Peter shook his head. “The SEALs should have the hostages free soon. We could have company at any time.”
“Oh.” She glanced away, embarrassed. Had she seemed too eager to get naked with him again? Her cheeks heated as the memories of what he looked like without clothing flashed before her eyes. But, oh, how she wanted to see him naked once more, to be able to touch and stroke that masculine flesh and hard muscle. She wanted to get to know him with her fingertips, to discover all that uncharted territory.
He must have seen the desire on her face, because he tilted her chin up and placed butterfly kisses all over her face.
“I want it, too,” he said. “When we get home, I promise you, we’ll find somewhere quiet and spend a week in bed. I figure it’ll take at least that long to do all the things I want to do with you.”
His words drugged her senses, so that all she could do was nod and kiss him back.
The soft click of the door latch echoed through the tunnel. In a flash, Peter set her away from him and grabbed his pistol off the floor. He snuck over to the edge of the corner and waved at her to get down.
A low harsh whisper floated through the air. “Welis? Miss Masters?”
It was Stokes.
Peter stepped out past the corner into plain view. “We’re here.”
“How’s Miss Masters?” Stokes asked.
Georgia got up and went to stand next to Peter. “I’m ok.”
Stokes gaze zeroed in on her face. “Were you the one who sabotaged the fuse box?”
Stokes nodded and grinned at her. “That was smart thinking, ma’am. It got us out of a tight spot.”
Georgia inclined her head graciously. “I’m glad I could help.”
“Are we all set?” Peter asked.
Stokes looked at him and nodded. “Yeah, the squad is bringing the hostages down in small groups. Two of our guys are keeping the T’s on the upper floors busy.”
“What about the other terrorists? The ones guarding the hostages?” Georgia asked.
“They’ve been taken care of, ma’am.”
Georgia swallowed, remembering the dead bodies of the Marines outside her uncle’s office. “Oh.”
“I wanted to give you a heads up so you two could help get the hostages in here and moving down to the other end of the tunnel. They’re not a very happy bunch.”
Georgia pressed her lips together. She knew just how they felt.
“We’ll take care of it,” Peter said. “I’m sure seeing Georgia will boost their spirits.”
Stokes nodded and went back through the door.
Peter turned to Georgia and held out the handgun to her. “Do you know how to use one of these?”
She stared at it. “No.”
“Well, it’s not hard.” He grabbed her right wrist and pushed the butt of the gun into her palm.
Her fingers closed around it and he let go. The sudden weight surprised her, and she nearly dropped it but brought her other hand up to help lift the gun. She swallowed as she examined the lethal weapon, finding the feel of it in her hands distasteful. “What do I do?”