Georgia almost smiled. “I’ll feel better just as soon as you do something for me.”
“Uh, ok. What?”
This time she did smile. She stood, walked the three steps it took to carry her over to stand next to him, knelt down, and whispered in his ear, “I want you to make love to me.”
Peter stiffened but didn’t move. “Excuse me?”
Georgia pulled back. What if she’d misjudged him? What if he wasn’t interested in her like that?
Then she’d just made a fool out of herself that’s what. In light of their situation, that was a small thing. She leaned close again. “I want you to make love to me.” She was proud of the fact that her voice only wavered a little bit.
He looked at her like she’d gone mad, mad,mad. “Now?”
Well, at least he wasn’t refusing. “Yes. Now.”
“” He waved a hand around at the interior of the tunnel, as if the whole place was about to be condemned.
“Do you have a better suggestion?”
“Do I—” He coughed and shook his head. “Georgia you don’t know what you’re asking for.” His voice was hoarse and hard.
“Don’t I?” How dare he shrug away her possible last request. “We’re waiting in a tunnel for eight men to do the job of a whole...battalion.” Georgia had to search for an appropriate word since she wasn’t sure what military term covered a large number of troops. “I’m not stupid or naive, I know there’s a good chance they won’t make it. That we’ll all end up dead.” He opened his mouth, but she put up a hand. “I’ve been thinking about this very seriously and I really want” She took a deep breath. He was staring at her like she’d grown a second head. “Ok?” That last word was spoken tentatively.
His eyes narrowed. “I don’t have any condoms with me.” His voice sounded spare and rough, like the veneer of civilization had been stripped from him. “You could end up pregnant.”
Pregnant? She hadn’t thought of that. She imagined herself large with child, but instead of feeling frightened by the image, a sense of peace stole over her. Would their baby have Peter’s eyes?
“It’s not that big of a risk,” she said. “The...timing is all wrong.”
He’d been sitting there with a controlled, blank expression on his face, but at her words his expression changed, became hot and primitive. His eyes dropped from hers to stare at her chest, then lower, at the juncture of her thighs, before rising to meet her gaze again. There was a fire raging in his eyes, so hot that it licked at her skin even from a distance.
Georgia’s pulse hammered in her ears, and her breath stalled in her throat. She’d never seen such an expression of naked want as she saw on his face now.
“Bull,” he said starkly. “The risk is huge, and you know it.”
“I—” Georgia wasn’t even sure what she was going to say, but he sat forward suddenly and whatever she might have said died on her lips.
He stroked her cheek with the fingers of his right hand, causing a multitude of tingles to zip across her body like ripples on a pond. “I’m a huge risk for a woman like you.”
“Like me?” What did that mean?
“Yeah. A good woman. The kind of woman a man would be honored to bring home to meet his family.” His hand found its way down to her neck and wrapped around it, pulling her closer to him, so that they were almost nose-to-nose.
She went, her hands sliding over his shoulders and around his neck. He was even hotter to touch than he looked. Those hot, hard muscles under her hands feltsogood.
“The kind of woman a man could lose himself in and not give a damn.”
He kissed her.
She opened her mouth to him, touching her tongue to his in an intricate dance. She lifted her hands. One brushed his cheek gently while the other threaded through his hair.
He pulled away, his eyes narrow.
“Don’t you get it?” His chest rose and fell on heavy breaths. “If we do this, I’ll hurt you. I can’t give you forever. I can’t even give you more than this moment.”
“And a date in Hawaii,” she reminded him.
He bared his teeth and growled, “Is that really enough for you?”