She was getting married.
Jade bit her lip as she studied her reflection in the full-length mirror. She barely recognized the woman staring back at her. In just thirty whirlwind minutes, the women had transformed her into a radiant bride. The white dress they’d found for her hugged her curves, its delicate lace sleeves brushing her skin like butterfly wings. A crown of emerald flowers sat atop her hair, and a matching bouquet sat on the nearby table, waiting for her.
She still couldn’t believe this was happening, her fingers trembling as she smoothed the fabric of the gown over her hips. The enormity of the moment threatened to overwhelm her. After years of feeling unworthy and unwanted, she was about to be married… bonded to S’aad, her handsome alien mate who had seen her for who she was and cherished her for it.
Margaret stepped up beside her and squeezed her shoulders gently. “You look absolutely beautiful, my dear. S’aad won’t know what hit him when you walk down that aisle.”
She met the older woman’s gaze in the mirror, forced to blink away tears. “Thank you. All of you. I never imagined I’d have anything like this.”
Elena fussed with the flowers in Jade’s hair and chuckled softly. “Well, get used to it, honey. This is just the beginning of your fairytale. When these Lathar men fall, they fallhard.Prepare to be pampered for the rest of your life.”
A knock at the door startled them all. Z’yan’s deep voice carried through the barrier. “It’s time, ladies. The honor guard is ready to escort the bride to her bonding ceremony.”
Her breath caught in her throat. This was it. In just a few moments, she would walk down the aisle to become S’aad’s mate… his wife. She smoothed her hand over her midsection as the butterflies in her stomach performed a wild dance.
The door slid open as they reached it, and she gasped. The corridor was lined with a group of Latharian warriors in gleaming leathers and embellished and adorned sashes, each holding a polished blade to form an arch overhead.
She blinked, looking sideways at Naomi, standing next to Z’yan. “What’s going on?” she whispered, her hand tight around her bouquet as she eyed them nervously. Were they here to stop her marrying S’aad?
Naomi grinned, happiness dancing in her eyes. In a gown fit for a princess, with jewels in her hair, she looked stunning. Then Jade remembered Naomi was mated to Rohn, who was a prince, so she literallywasa princess.
“It’s your honor guard,” she said, linking arms with Jade and leading her under the arched blades. “They’re here to protect you on your way to your bonding ceremony.”
She blinked, eyeing the door at the end of the corridor, which led to the main hall of the mate offices. It was all of thirty meters or so.
“Seriously, for this little distance?” she whispered back. “They shouldn’t have bothered.”
“Oh, don’t let them hear you say that,” Naomi murmured, although it was obvious the alien men could hear them. As the two women walked under the arched blades, the warriors holding them moved into position behind Z’yan, marching behind them. “It’s a real big thing for them to be chosen for an honor guard. Some of them would have fought to be here.”
Jade’s eyes widened, and she shot a look at the warriors. Sure enough, several of them were sporting black eyes or bruises on their faces.
“Well, thank you,” she said to them, making sure to raise her voice so that they could all hear her. “Thank you all for doing this for me and S’aad.”
“You are most welcome, my lady,” the nearest one murmured, looking at her directly. “What M’lak did was wrong. We just want you to know that we would never have allowed it to happen. If Healer V’Renn had fallen, we would have kept challenging M’lak until one of us put him down for good.”
“Thank you… you don’t know how much that means to me.” Tears filled her eyes, emotion welling up to choke her, but she managed to get the words out.
The walk down the corridor, with Z’yan moving ahead of them to lead the little procession, was short and sweet. As they reached the door, Z’yan stopped and turned to face her. His expression was solemn and serious as he bowed and then straightened to ask her, “Lady Jade, before we enter, I am bound by honor and duty to ask whether you are certain you wish to proceed with this bonding?”
Naomi leaned in to murmur. “If you don’t want to go ahead with the bonding, these warriors are here to get you away safely. It’s to stop women being forced into bonding against their will.”
Jade met his gaze steadily, her voice firm. “Yes, I’m certain. I’m absolutely certain.”
A small smile tugged at the corners of the big Lathar’s lips as he inclined his head respectfully. “Then we should not keep your mate waiting any longer.”
The doors slid open, and she gasped at the crowds within, parting as they walked in to form an aisle. It seemed like everyone on the station had crammed in here, and they were all looking at her. Gripping the handle of her bouquet tightly, she straightened her spine and smiled back.
But then she looked up, and the crowds parted to reveal S’aad at the far end of the aisle. Everything else melted away. All she could see was him. He’d switched out his normal leathers for a more formal pair with a heavily embroidered teal sash across his chest. His hair was pulled back from his face, which made him all the more handsome in her opinion, but the look of pure adoration on his face took her breath away.
She began her walk toward him, drawn to him like a compass needle to true north. He was her true north. Her heart, her soul, her home… everything.
He extended his hand as she reached him, and she placed her fingers in his, marveling at how small and delicate they felt against his larger palm. The warmth of his touch sent a shiver of anticipation through her entire body.
Prince Rohn stepped forward, his regal bearing softened by the genuine smile he offered them. “Welcome, friends and honored guests,” he began, his voice carrying easily through the chamber. “We are gathered here today to witness the bonding of two souls… S’aad V’Renn and Jade Ashton.”
He paused, his gaze sweeping over the crowds packed into the room before looking at them again.
“Love,” he continued, “is a force that transcends the boundaries of worlds and species. It is a bridge betweencultures, a light in the darkness of space. Today, we celebrate not only the union of two individuals but the promise of a future where Latharian and humans can come together in harmony and mutual respect.”