L’arr continued, his voice rising above the noise. “As the human is considered property, much like an Oonat breeder, she cannot give consent to the matching process. It is deemedautomatic. The very act of genetic matching means she belongs to my son.”
Jade’s grip on his arm tightened enough to bruise, proof of her terror. He glanced at her and was forced to bite back his rage. Her expression was haunted, her skin pale, and she was breathing in short, sharp pants.
Carefully he loosened her grip on him and pushed her toward the group of human women. They parted immediately and then closed ranks with Jade in the center. Their hard eyes and furious expressions reassured him that even if M’lak tried for her, he would have to go through them all. For a second he felt guilty putting them all at risk like that, but then Margaret looked at him and nodded. A shiver rolled down his spine. He’d seen that same look on warriors in battle. It didn’t bode well for their enemies.
“You’re wrong,” he declared as he turned back to face the duke and L’arr. He pushed up the sleeve of his jacket, revealing the marks on his wrist. “These mating marks are absolute proof of my claim to Jade. They are a divine blessing from the gods themselves and, as such, beyond the reach of your legal maneuvering.”
“Fake!” L’arr announced. “He’s using human tattoos to steal my son’s female from him!”
“Don’t be ridiculous!” S’aad spat, his anger boiling over. “I am a male of honor. I wouldneverfalsify such marks!”
“It doesn’t matter anyway. Mating marks are useless if you’re dead!” M’lak snarled, his face contorted with rage as he took an aggressive step forward. “I challenge you to a fight, S’aad V’Renn. Winner claims the female.”
He didn’t hesitate. “I accept your challenge.”
Duke Kaarigan stepped between them, his face a mask of grim determination. “If this is to be done, it must be done properly. We need an impartial official to oversee this contest.”He scanned the room before settling on a figure near the door. “Prince Rohn, would you do us the honor of officiating? You are mated, not a part of the mate program staff, and not related to either party in the dispute, so you cannot be seen as biased to either.”
“Of course, your grace.” The prince nodded as he walked forward, the crowd of warriors in front of him parting before him without question.
“Listen well, for I will only say this once,” he began, his gaze sweeping over the assembled crowd before settling on S’aad and M’lak. “The terms of this challenge are as follows. This will be a fight to yield or death. Bladed weaponry only. No energy weapons of any kind.”
M’lak sneered, flexing his muscles. “I won’t need any energy weapons to tear him apart.”
Prince Rohn’s sharp glare silenced him. “To ensure fairness, both combatants will be thoroughly searched for hidden arms before the match begins.”
S’aad nodded, still staring M’lak down. He was a male of honor, and he had no intention of cheating, but he wouldn’t put it past M’lak to try something underhanded.
“The fight will take place in the center of this room,” Prince Rohn continued. “A circle will be drawn, and stepping outside of it will result in an immediate yield to the other party. Is that clear?”
Both S’aad and M’lak nodded their understanding.
“Also, no outside interference will be permitted.” Rohn’s voice hardened as did his expression. “This challenge is between S’aad V’Renn and M’lak F’Nyal. Anyone attempting to intervene will face severe consequences…”
He paused and grinned nastily. “Namely,me.”
He looked over at the duke. “As head of the mate program, do you agree that the winner’s claim on the female will be recognized as legitimate and binding?”
Kaarigan nodded. “Yes, the victor’s claim will be acknowledged by all present, including the Latharian Mate Program officials.”
Everything within S’aad stilled at those words. Everything he had, everything he wanted… his entire life, heart, and soul rested on the outcome of this fight. Grim determination flowed through him. He wouldn’t lose. Hecouldn’tlose. Not with his mate as the prize.
Prince Rohn looked between the two of them. “Do you both understand and agree to these terms?”
“I do,” he said firmly.
M’lak’s lips curled into a cruel smile. “Oh, I understand perfectly.”
“Then prepare yourselves,” the prince said. “The challenge will begin shortly.”
A small hand grasped S’aad’s arm, and he turned to find Jade, her face pale and tear-streaked, looking up at him with wide, frightened eyes.
“S’aad, please,” she begged in a whisper, her lower lip trembling and tears gathering heavily on her spiked lower lashes. “You don’t have to do this. I love you. I can’t bear the thought of you being hurt. I’ll… I’ll go with M’lak if it means saving your life.”
His heart clenched at her words, a mixture of love and frustration welling up inside him. Without thinking, he pulled her close, crushing his lips against hers in a fierce, passionate kiss. He poured all of his emotions into it… all his love, his determination… but it was more than that. It was also a promise to protect her.
“That’s enough!” L’arr’s voice cut through the moment like a knife. “This is highly inappropriate. The female’s ownership is in dispute!”
The room erupted in fury again. The little group of human females surged forward, their faces contorted with rage.