His grin turned mischievous. “This morning while you showered.”

She blinked. “What… for all of the few seconds you weren’t in there with me?”

His gaze darkened a little as he leaned in and kissed her temple. “There’s a lot a male can do in a short space of time… if he’s properly motivated.”

Before she could answer him, she was engulfed in a whirlwind of hugs and congratulations.

“Oh, Jade!” A familiar voice cut through the sounds of celebration. Stacey, the young woman she had protected from M’lak, appeared before her. Tears shone in Stacey’s eyes as she clasped Jade’s hands. “I’m so happy for you! And I never thanked you properly for saving me from that brute. I don’t know what would have happened if you hadn’t been there.”

“It was nothing,” Jade said, heat rising to her cheeks. She hated bullies with a passion, and she had acted purely on instinct that day, driven by a need to protect someone vulnerable. Being thanked was nice… but it made her a little uncomfortable. “Honestly, anyone would have done the same.”

Stacey shook her head. “No, not anyone. You were brave and selfless. And now look at you! Engaged… sorry,betrothedto the most eligible bachelor on the station! Do you think he has a brother?”

As if summoned by Stacey’s words, S’aad reappeared at Jade’s side. His hand slid possessively around her waist as he drew her against his side.

“I’m afraid I do not have a brother.” He smiled down at Stacey. “But I do have many friends I could introduce you to, if you wished.”

He turned and motioned to the other side of the room where a small group of leather-clad Latharian warriors stood. Jade bit back her smile. They were trying to act tough, but she could see they were almost as nervous as she was. Probably terrified of doing or saying the wrong thing and being thrown out of the program. After M’lak, she’d overheard that they were tightening up on who they were allowing in.

Stacey’s eyes were wide as she looked over at the warriors. They all stiffened as they noticed her attention.

“No,” she said firmly, taking a drink from a nearby tablet. “I’m going to introduce myself.”

Jade smiled as her new friend marched across to the group of warriors. “I think they’re in trouble now.”

“Oh, I’m sure they can handle it.” S’aad’s deep voice rumbled in her ear. “Are you enjoying yourself, my mate?”

She looked up at him. The soft curve of his smile was an expression he reserved only for her. Something deep inside of her began to unfurl, and the knot of anxiety in her chest eased a fraction. Perhaps this would be okay after all.

“Yes,” she whispered. “Yes, I am.”

His smile widened, and he held out his hand in invitation. “Then perhaps you would honor me with a dance?”

She hesitated, aware of everyone watching them. But the love and encouragement shining in his eyes gave her courage. She placed her hand in his, letting him pull her out onto the cleared space in the center of the room.

The ambient music shifted to a slower, more romantic melody. He pulled her close, a large hand spread across her lower back while the other engulfed her smaller hand in his grasp. They began to sway gently, and she relaxed into his arms.

The world faded away as they moved together. It was just the two of them as she breathed in his unique scent… leather, spice, and something undefinably alien that she had come to associate with him… with home.

“I never thought I could have this,” she murmured as she moved closer, lifting her arms to wrap them around his neck.

His arms tightened around her. “Have what,kelarris?”

She shrugged, struggling to find the words. “This… happiness. Acceptance. A future with someone who loves me.”

He pulled back slightly, his hand coming up to cup her cheek. The tenderness in his touch brought fresh tears to the backs of her eyes. “You deserve all of this and more, my love. I swear to you, I will spend the rest of our lives adoring you and making you as happy as you’ve made me.”

The sincerity and honesty in his voice, the depth of love reflected in his eyes, was almost too much for her to bear. She felt as if she might shatter under the weight of it all, like a fragile piece of glass finally allowed to exist without the constant fear of breaking.

Just as she opened her mouth to say something, to tell him that she loved him too, a commotion at the entrance shattered the moment. The music cut off abruptly, replaced by angry shouts and the sounds of a struggle. S’aad tensed, his arms tightening protectively around her as he turned to face the disturbance.

M’lak stood in the doorway, his massive frame blocking most of the entrance. Several other Latharian warriors with angry expressions crowded the space behind him, but she barely paidthem any attention. She couldn’t look away from M’lak as his eyes, dark and filled with rage and triumph, locked on to her.

“Well, well,” he sneered, his voice rough and grating. “What a touching scene.”

S’aad stepped forward, pushing her behind him.

“M’lak,” he growled. “Leave. Now.”