Be still her heart.
Please don’t let him see the way he was affecting her.
She wished her acting skills were better. Maybe she should have taken some acting lessons when she was younger like her mother had wanted.
“I know you think the threat isn’t real, but what if it is?” he asked.
“Why would anyone want to harm me, though? I mean, I know there were threats when I was on the show . . . people loved to hate me. But I haven’t been in the public eye for years. So why now? It makes no sense. And even if someone was sending messages about me, who is to say they’d act on them? I’m not . . . I can’t live my life like this. I agreed to you guys guarding me for a month just to put my dad at ease. But I’m not going to live my life scared. I won’t do that anymore.”
“Anymore? What were you scared of before?”
Yeah. That was something she wasn’t going to tell him.
She shook her head.
“All right. I don’t have the right to all your secrets as long as they don’t affect your safety now.”
“They don’t.” Because she knew thathenever wanted to see her again.
The asshole had made that very clear.
Suddenly, her stomach started rumbling.
“Right. That’s a sign to get down. And Hayes will be up soon.”
“I should apologize to him, I guess,” she said.
“For eavesdropping? Probably.”
“Well, I was going to apologize for believing he’d think that about me.”
“Hayes will understand. But he won’t be happy about the fact that you hid all night in your bedroom and went without dinner instead of confronting him over what you heard.”
Jeez, when he put it like that, it sounded terrible.
“I’m not good with confrontation,” she admitted.
“A lot of people aren’t. It’s nothing to be ashamed of. But you need to try and trust us if we’re going to take care of you. Yeah?”
Take care of you.
She knew he didn’t mean it . . . he didn’t want to take care of her like that.
And she didn’t need that.
Nope. Not her. She was never going to be involved with a guy again.
Not. Happening.
Yeah, so why were you hoping he’d kiss you just before?
“What the fuck are the two of you doing up there?”
She jumped at the sound of Hayes’ voice. He was leaning out and peering up at them. Her feet slipped out from under her and she might have slid down the roof and off the edge if Corbin hadn’t quickly grabbed her.
Bebe clung to him with a cry of relief.
“Fuck! Be careful, Bebe!” Corbin commanded.