“I wasn’t in any danger,” I murmur. “I went outside to get some air with Emma and found Declan and Preston in a fistfight. Both of them took off before I could find out what’s going on. Then I went to look for Declan, because this isn’t like him, and I’m worried.” I pull back to look at him.
Grayson cups my face. “Yeah, that doesn’t sound like Dec at all.”
I nod. “On my way in, Tina felt the need to open her stupid mouth,” I grumble.
“Why the fuck did Preston bring that bitch here?” Grayson complains.
“I don’t know. But she thought she would remind me that my deal with you three is over, and I should go back to being a nobody where I belong.”
“Don’t listen to her, Sadie. She’s just a pathetic bully.”
“I know. So, I punched her in the face.” I grimace.
His eyes widen before he lets out a laugh. “Fuck, I wish I was there to see that.”
“I think I broke her nose too. There was a lot of blood.”
“Yup, I totally wish I was there to see that.” He grins.
But I groan. “She’s not going to just let it go. I just made everything worse.”
“No, you didn’t. Because she’s not going to do shit to you, Sadie. Not with us around.”
“But that's the thing. You're not around. We’re not allowed to be seen together.” I feel like crying again.
“Says who? So what if everyone thinks we’re friends? We are friends, even if we’re dating.” He kisses me.
“I just want to find Declan and make sure he’s okay.” I close my eyes. “I’m over tonight.”
“And so am I.” Grayson helps me to my feet. “Let’s go shut this party down.”
“You don’t have to. Go, have fun.”
“Nope. Not without you. I’m over this party anyways.” He grabs my hand and pulls me to the stairs. “Wait here.” He kisses my cheek before jogging down the stairs. A minute later, all the lights in the house go on, and the music stops. “Party’s over! You know the rules. No fighting. You don’t have to go home, but you can’t stay here. Get out.”
There’s a chorus of groans as people start to leave.
Once the house is empty, I join Grayson downstairs. “I’ll help you look.” It doesn’t take long, and we end up finding Declan sitting near the duck pond. “I’ll give you two some time alone.”
Declan looks up when he hears me coming. “Hey, you.” I take a seat on the bench next to him. “Declan, what happened?”
He sighs, looking out at the pond, the moonlight shining off the water. “I don’t want to talk about it.”
“Okay,” I say slowly. “But are you okay?”
“No,” his voice breaks. He turns to me with tears in his eyes. “When I was outside—the guys were being too much, all drunk and stuff—so I went to the side of the house to sit on the porch swing. After a bit, Preston found me. And well, he said some things, kissed me, then told me it was a mistake and took off. I ran after him, got in his face, and well... I let my hurt and anger get the better of me.”
“He what?!” My eyes widen.What the fuck? What is wrong with Preston?After the talk I had with him, I didn’t think he would go and do something stupid like this. I’m going to kick his ass the next time I see him. I get being so messed up from the bullshit in your life that it messes with you mentally and emotionally. But it doesn’t give him the right to mess with other people's minds or emotions.
“Sadie, please.” He shakes his head. “I don’t want to think or talk about it anymore tonight, okay?”
“Okay.” I nod, accepting his answer, even though everything inside me screams at me to ask more. “What can I do to make you feel better?”
“Stay with me tonight?” he asks, face so vulnerable.
“Of course,” I agree with a soft smile, heart hurting for my man. I just want to make everything better. I’m going to kill Preston when I find out more about what happened. “Let’s go get you cleaned up, and we can sleep in my room.”