Page 31 of Tormented Kings

“Holy fucking hell, girl!” Emma squeals. “What the fuck did we just walk in on?”

“Nothing.” I glare at her. “Thankfully. Dude, what the fuck! You just walked right in.”

“Ahhhh, yeah, just like we always do.” Alice raises an eyebrow.

Right. Shit. They have keys, they’ve been making this place their home for years now.

“If you’re gonna have wild sex in the middle of your living room, maybe text us first.” Mia laughs, her face bright with amusement.

“Or, at the very least, don’t do it when you know we have plans.” Emma crosses her arms with raised brows.

“Okay, fine, you have a point.” I deflate.

“Bitch, you better fucking spill. Now,” Emma demands.

“Follow me.” I turn around and head into my room. They follow, all taking a spot on my bed while I head into the closet to change.

“So, wanna tell us what all that was about?” Mia calls out when I don’t immediately start talking.

“It’s called a threesome, Mia,” I answer back.

“No shit, smart ass.” She laughs. “Just didn’t expect it after everything that’s been going on. What about Collin? How did that go when we left you this morning?”

I slip on a pair of jean shorts and a crop top before joining them.

“The photos were photoshopped. A part of me kind of knew they were edited, but I think I was just too fucked up over the whole ordeal to see it.”

“You were kidnapped, then threatened and paid off. I think you have the right to not be thinking clearly. And how were you to know if they were real or not? You don’t know Collin that well,” Alice says.

“I do, and I don’t.” I shrug, taking a seat on the bed. “I knew the Collin I grew up with. But that is in no way this man now.” I laugh. “Collin is possessive, determined, and–”

“Crazy,” Mia adds in with a smirk.

“Crazy hot is more like it.” Emma laughs.

“Yes, all of that.” I roll my eyes with a smile. “But he’s also passionate, loyal, and kind. With how he’s been treating me and the way he was when pleading his case, I believe him. His father is stooping low to get what he wants because Collin isn’t doing as he’s told. And he doesn’t like it.”

“I’m not at all surprised by anything that happened. Sadly.” Mia gives me a pitying smile. “Our world is fucked up.”

“Tell me about it,” Emma sighs.

“So, did you talk things out?” Alice asks.

“Pretty much. The photos were of him, but back when he was a teenager with a girl who was not the one that was photoshopped into the photo. I guess his dad has been keeping tabs and trying to control him for a lot longer than he thought. Or maybe he knew his dad was up to some sneaky, fucked up shit. I don’t know. But I believe him.”

“What about the voice recording?” Emma asks.

“I’m gonna go with AI? That shit is scary these days. They sound believable. All you need is some voice samples, and they can do a lot of damage.”

“I’d say,” Mia agrees. “Where does that leave you two?”

“He told me he loves me and wants to be with me.” I bite my lip.

“And....” Alice hedges.

“And I told him I loved him too.” I bury my face in the pillow. “I know, I know, I’m crazy. But I do love him. I’m not sure if it’s madly and deeply, but I do love him. We have a past, and it’s crazy complicated for so many reasons. But we have a bond I don’t have with the others. It’s...”

“Complicated,” Emma finishes with a laugh.