“Or, something happens, and she has no choice but to move out of the cottage and into here. At least for a little while.”
“Like what?”
“I don’t know. You come up with something.” He shrugs. “You're the mastermind of stalking.”
“Aww, thanks.” I grin.
“That girl is going to leave our asses when she realizes how much shit we do behind her back.” He groans, rubbing at his face again.
“It’s to keep her safe.”
He looks at me with an exasperated look. “Yeah? How long have you had those cameras set up—for what, months now? Years?—been keeping her safe? What did she need to be protected from before?”
I grin, flipping him off. “Fuck you.”
“I have a point.”
“I’m just as psychotic about our girl as you are.” I shrug. “I mean, chicks like stalker romances. A lot of them would love to have one of their own.” I grin.
“You're sick.” He shakes his head.
“As are you, my friend,” I chuckle.
He doesn’t argue. “Show me.”
“Show you what?”
“You know what.” He scowls. “Show me the damn setup.”
“Ahh.” I nod my head. “Follow me, good sir,” I say in a chipper tone. “Let me show you to my lair.”
I lift the picture up and type in the code. Collin snorts as the door pops open. “This is insane.”
“Just wait.” I shoot him a grin as we step inside the room. The wall is covered in monitors, almost all of them with a different view of Sadie’s property.
“This is kind of creepy,” Collin comments, leaning in to get a good look at the screens.
“Listen, if you're going to be a dick, you can leave.” I’m only half kidding. It’s not normal, I know. Creepy? Yeah, maybe a little. Do I care? No, not really.
“I have no idea how she’s going to react when she finds out that you’ve been watching her for years.”
“Not that many years.” I roll my eyes.
“Still. How much time do you spend in here?”
“Not much. I come in, check the cameras to make sure nothing bad happened while she was away, and make sure she’s safe when she’s home. It’s not like I spend hours sitting and watching. I have a life, too, you know.”
“You jerk off while watching her?” he asks, giving a smug as fuck look.
“Only when she’s playing with that pretty pink pussy and calling out my name while her fingers are buried deep inside.” I wink.
“Lucky bastard,” he mutters. “She call out any other names?”
“Maybe.” I shrug. “I just pretend she’s calling my name if she does.”
“If Sadie didn’t decide to make you her boyfriend and I found out about this, I’d kill you, you know that?”
“I wouldn’t be surprised if you tried. I’d do the same if it was anyone else but the four of us. Although Declan would never. He would lose his shit on me if he found out about this. And I’m praying like hell Sadie finds this charming more than anything.”